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Debate Smoking

I never smoked and I plan on never smoking. My parents, especially my mother smoked cigarettes so my house always stunk of nicotine. Plus the walls were yellow and unfortunately, my first laptop overheated because the inside was covered in tar. It was disgusting, I had a coworker's husband open the laptop up and get my hard drive out of it. I never was able to pick up the hard drive from them though... so I lost my files unfortunately. This was back in 2010.
Do you smoke? Have you ever smoked? What is your opinion on smoking?

Personally, I have never smoked and never will. I believe it should be banned but we all know why that won’t happen… 💰
It’s too addictive to outlaw maybe? Making them more expensive just opens up the black market too. I’m trying to get off of them.
Do you smoke? Have you ever smoked? What is your opinion on smoking?

Personally, I have never smoked and never will. I believe it should be banned but we all know why that won’t happen… 💰
I have never smoked & never will either. I can't be around it as well.
While I'm all for individual rights, this is really just a money maker. It's addicting & the manufacturers know that.
I've never smoked, so I can't fully understand the appeal. However, from what I've learned, smoking can have serious health risks and negative effects on both the individual and those around them. It's best to prioritize our well-being and explore healthier alternatives. I don't see myself smoking ever. Because I'm someone who can't even bear people smoking near me. Many people don't know that if they stay near someone who is smoking, they also get affected as they breathe in. It's called passive smoking. So, always stay away from smoking and smokers.
I'll never smoke or vape in my life because I know how harmful it is to my health. I wouldn't be the one to kill myself.

View attachment 44
The main difference between smoking and vaping is that smoking tobacco makes your clothes dirty or even Hookah but vaping doesn't and then because there is no combination it has a negative effect because many friends could share one vape smoking sometimes like Hookah or tobacco.
I have never smoked or vaped but I did have family members that used to smoke and vape who later quit and they always mention how difficult it was.

Most of my friends in school followed the cool kids when they started smoking but I stood my ground. I never liked the smell or how it made you smell and didn't want to be that kind of person or regret it in years to come.
Never smoked and don't plan to start any day soon as the health problems and the simple cost of smoking are far too high. I don't judge people for smoking, although I point out when they litter with their cigarette butts, but honestly, most smokers generally have the respect to not smoke inside and find places out of the way for their habit. Granted, I do point out to a lot of people about vaping and how it is not a "get out of jail card" for smoking and as some of the same health problems or even worse problems that come along with it that you can't simply ignore do to it being a vape. Vapers are also some of the biggest asses I have dealt with and will gladly vape indoors and around anyone without a care in the world and lack a huge amount of respect in many cases.
Do you smoke? Have you ever smoked? What is your opinion on smoking?

Personally, I have never smoked and never will. I believe it should be banned but we all know why that won’t happen… 💰
Never smoked. It’s really bad and that’s vaping included. Young people shouldn’t start vaping - it should be used as a stepping stone to quit smoking tobacco or other substances tbh.
As a young 11 or 12 year old, my friends and I ran up to the roof of a friend's building and tried smoking cigarettes, I hated it, I didn't like, I did not feel I had to ever try again. I think smoking is a terrible habit that only damages your lungs and teeth, knowing now how addictive it is and how many people die due to lung cancer caused by smoking, I'm glad I never smoked again.
Do you smoke? Have you ever smoked? What is your opinion on smoking?

Personally, I have never smoked and never will. I believe it should be banned but we all know why that won’t happen… 💰

Smoking should be legalised. Anyone who wants to smoke should be allowed to smoke, and once they begin to misbehave, it is important that they face the full wrath of the law. It is necessary to let people enjoy their life as long as they are not denying the other person their rights to live and enjoy life as well.
Smoking should be legalised. Anyone who wants to smoke should be allowed to smoke, and once they begin to misbehave, it is important that they face the full wrath of the law. It is necessary to let people enjoy their life as long as they are not denying the other person their rights to live and enjoy life as well.
It could be the case in open places but if it is a closed place then they will affect the health of other people as they are smoking passively what the smokers are doing. This is the reason behind these regulations.
It could be the case in open places but if it is a closed place then they will affect the health of other people as they are smoking passively what the smokers are doing. This is the reason behind these regulations.

Do you mean when a husband is smoking with the wife being around or the kids? I doubt any sensible man is going to stoop that low to behave in that kind of manner. Those who like to smoke should do it when alone or focus on doing it when they are in an open place. This is for the safety of people around.

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