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  • We have now changed the post count rule to post your website in the Website Directory and the Member Showcase to 10, this was previously 50 but we felt it was too high. You can read more about this change here >>> https://discussionhub.net/threads/update-of-rules-for-the-member-showcase.4356/

Debate Smoking

I can't stand any form of strong odour, not to talk of the smell of cigarettes or anything that is smoked. Being around a place they smoke would give me catarrh in a matter of minutes. Even when all my friends started smoking, I didn't.
It means the start of death to stay in a place where everyone smokes any tobacco solution because of negative smoking. Many people have cancer therapy for staying in a coffee where everyone smokes while they do not. This is the sad truth.
It means the start of death to stay in a place where everyone smokes any tobacco solution because of negative smoking. Many people have cancer therapy for staying in a coffee where everyone smokes while they do not. This is the sad truth.
I am asthmatic though it is recessive. But being around an environment where people are smoking is such a trigger for an attack. I hate smoking. When you want to drive me out of a place, let someone start smoking.
I am among the lucky few people that have never smoked. People tell me it is because I am a lady but I know so many ladies that drink and smoke like mad. I think my upbringing contributed so much to how I am today.
Yes, I smoke, and I am addicted to it. I have tried to quit it, but maybe because of the lack of willpower, I could never leave it. I know it's having harmful effects on my body, especially my lungs, but still, after knowing it, I am not able to leave it.
Did you try going for a therapy? It's never easy giving up on something you are used to or addicted to. It takes time, so just don't give up yet.

Daily Poll: Which universe do you prefer?

  • Marvel

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • DC

    Votes: 2 66.7%
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