@Mad Hatter what is the reason? Moderator's job is a good job I guess
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I don't want to do it anymore because I just want to enjoy a forum without any duties or responsibilities. This way it is a pleasure as opposed to being a chore.@Mad Hatter what is the reason? Moderator's job is a good job I guess
Even Free staff is good if you can find a person or persons who are really interested in the website and like to supervise/moderate and not even interested in earning for that
The question is that can you find such a person to do the job for you for free? Unless maybe you know the person physically, or is a friend of yours.Even Free staff is good if you can find a person or persons who are really interested in the website and like to supervise/moderate and not even interested in earning for that
The question is that can you find such a person to do the job for you for free? Unless maybe you know the person physically, or is a friend of yours.
It could be possible if moderation work doesn't take a lot of your private life, because sometimes it takes consecutive hours and then at this point a person could get discouraged because he will focus on something that brings money instead of being free staff. It differs from case to case.Even Free staff is good if you can find a person or persons who are really interested in the website and like to supervise/moderate and not even interested in earning for that
This is the best practice.If I happen to have a site today, I won't be using free staff. I would try as much as I can to have some incentive for my staff. It might not be huge but it won't be free.
Actually I don't really have much experience on how to managed forum but if I might have a forum I will like to start with paid staff members to help me out.A forum is best managed with staff members. Forum staff members can be paid or working as a volunteer without any pay.
When you launched your forum, did you start with paid staff members or those who volunteered to help you out? If you hired only volunteers, do you have any plans on paying them in the future?
You can control a structure that you can use to use your theme wide or narrow.
You can control the layout of the forum list in a grid or ordinary listing style structure.
In the grid forum list, you can control the structure where you can open/close images.
You can get rid of the crowded view in the forum by closing the sidebar.
You can make it more useful and easier to access by pinning the sidebar.
You can use the radius at the corners of the blocks according to your taste by closing/opening it.