Who said they did?Also, my problem with this whole ‘Hamas started this’ angle is that, well… they didn’t.
We will never determine ‘who started it’ and thats such a simplistic, trite and immature way of approaching geopolitics. Trying to apportion blame to justify continued aggression is pointless. There is always something else. Its ‘whataboutism’ writ large.
Is it Hamas, or Israel, or Egypt, or the US for recognising and therefore legitimising the Jewish state in ‘48? Or Great Britain who administered Palestine and agreed to the formation of a Jewish state in 1917, or the Ottoman Empire or the Romans or the Babylonians, or the, or the, or the…?
There is always someone else to blame and it’s bullshit. The situation is what the situation is. Gaza and the West Bank need to be given full autonomy as the nation of Palestine.
Israel’s official position is the two-state solution. It calls for peaceful coexistence on the condition of demilitarisation. It sees Hamas as an existential threat and won’t lift the blockade on Gaza as long as Hamas are launching rockets into Israel. So we are at a bit of an impasse.
There is no trust and there needs to be trust. Israel continues to build settlements in the West Bank in blatant disregard for international law. They need to stop and withdraw. Show they are willing to negotiate.
As for Gaza and Hamas I don’t think people realise just how much the 7-10 attacks wounded Israel. Their intelligence agencies didn’t see it, didn’t stop it, and the losses were significant. Some refer to it as Israel’s 9/11. Israel will not stop until Hamas has been eradicated. And I don’t think the people of Israel give a shit how many Palestinian civilians are killed in the process.
Whatever chance there was of a peaceful solution for the people of Palestine and Israel has been put back 50 years or more by Hamas’ October offensive. Some might say that Israel cannot be trusted to grant Palestine full autonomy…
Now we will never know.
You’ve got this ‘answering a question with a question’ thing nailed, mate. I’d be impressed if it wasn’t so piss-poor.You asked me what the aims of the attacks on October 7th were. What were the aims of Israel’s attacks on a mosque back in April?

We’re not talking about Iraq. This is ‘whataboutism’ once more. If you wanna debate Iraq, start a new thread.Isn’t that the perfection (sic) definition of what the US & UK did to Iraq?