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How many computers do you have in your family and how many do you have personally?

I personally have one laptop that I use to work online. My brother and my sister have a laptop of their own. So in total, we have three computers in the house. But the rule is that everyone should stick to using only his own laptop.
I have a similar situation, but we allow everyone to use another computer if there is permission for it, because I have Windows and my sister has a Mac, and sometimes she needs to find a job that is only available on Windows, so I cannot refuse her
One per person. Yep, there was a time when there one PC for the whole family.

I get one from work and others got their own. For personal use, I have a desktop.
There was a time when we had only one for the whole family because it was our first computer. My parents didn't know how to use it so it was only for my brothers and sisters and sometimes for me because I'm one of the youngest at that time it was the least seen of me. It was difficult to try to learn something because there really wasn't enough time
There’s three desktop computers in my family. My mom has a mac desktop and two of my youngest brothers have regular desktop computers. I’m currently saving up for a laptop, so I don’t have my own atm.
What kind of computer do you use then? Because, as I see, it is not very often that brothers allow us to use their own computers. Do yours let you or do you only use the phone?
During my childhood, we had only one personal computer at home that all members of the family had to share for various purposes. Eventually, when my dad's financial condition improved, he decided to buy some laptops for my sister and me to use for our education. However, after graduating from college, we realized that our laptops had become outdated and it was time to upgrade. Therefore, we decided to sell them and invest in new ones. Currently, we each have our own laptop at home. My sister and dad have one each, and I have my own. This way, we have three laptops that are being used for different purposes.
My wife and I just have one PC that we share. And it's more than enough, and to be honest we don't use the PC very much. Because we read, watch TV, and listen to music. Not to mention that it’s 100000000x faster to pick up my phone and look something up instead of turning on the computer.
Well, of course, the computer is not very convenient to use to, for example, read the news, but it can be convenient for games or movies if there is no TV. Although it is also not convenient because it is better to have a laptop that can be taken anywhere
I have a desktop, laptop, mini computer for emulation and a tablet. My girlfriend has a Laptop and a Tablet. I mostly use my laptop for work and my desktop for everything I do personally.
A lot for one person. It's cool to have so many gadgets, although I think they wouldn't be useful for me because I can do most everything only on my phone. However, of course, it is easier on a laptop. If there was no need to make calls, I would never use a phone at all, only a laptop
Unfortunately, I don't have a PC and no one in my immediate family actually has. I have just been using my phone to keep up with digital services and demands. Hoping to get a PC as I am about to start my thesis soon.
At this time I have a laptop which I do all my main work from and I have another laptop which is quite old now that I use for just about everything else other than work.

We also have three PC's in the house, one of which my son bought himself, the other is my old desktop which I gave to my daughter and my two youngest sons also have a PC in their bedroom for school work and such.
In my household, we have 4 computers. I've got a laptop that I make use for a lot of activities that I want to do and my sister has got one.

The other two are desktops that we make use of when there are need to use it and it has been a good experience so far. I don't like the idea of having just a computer at home though

Daily Poll: Which universe do you prefer?

  • Marvel

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • DC

    Votes: 3 75.0%
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