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How many computers do you have in your family and how many do you have personally?

I have 1 laptop and its for my personal use but I also allow my family to work on laptop.
There are seven computers in our house. Most of them are laptops. I have a laptop, a secondhand device that my daughter gave me. Also, there is a computer downstairs that anybody in the family can use.
It's cool to have a computer that anyone can use. Because my family always had arguments over the computer because we only had one and we could take turns using it
I can't really say how many we have in the family in total, but am pretty sure it should be more than four. As for me I personally have just one which is a laptop.
Personally, I have a laptop computer and that's all the computer I have at home. I wanted to get a desktop computer before but I figured there's no point when one can just get a laptop instead. I do wish I can add an extra computer to my collection though.
As for me personally, I just have the one laptop that I use daily for everything from writing and browsing to light gaming.
At home, I only have one laptop that is hardly used by either my kids or me. Perhaps they will need it when they begin their studies after high school. I use my mobile device for the most of internet access job, therefore I don't require a PC.
At home, I only have one laptop that is hardly used by either my kids or me. Perhaps they will need it when they begin their studies after high school. I use my mobile device for the most of internet access job, therefore I don't require a PC.
But wouldn't you agree that there are some tasks that are much easier to carry out on PC compared to mobile phone? I mostly use my phone too, but sometimes I use my laptop, just to ease the workload on the phone.
I am too lazy to switch on my laptop and like to work on my phone. I ask my kids to download what I feel is difficult for me to do on the phone. I agree that sometimes it's not easy to work on a smart phone. You require a PC sometimes for some work.
I am too lazy to switch on my laptop and like to work on my phone. I ask my kids to download what I feel is difficult for me to do on the phone. I agree that sometimes it's not easy to work on a smart phone. You require a PC sometimes for some work.
Funny enough, I find myself in your shoes sometimes. I can open my laptop and end up not doing anything on it. Mostly I'm on my phone, while the system is idle.
I want to eliminate this habit. It is harmful in many ways. Sometimes I have to pay for my laziness.
In my childhood, I had only one computer for the whole family, but that was enough, and now that we have a little more money, my parents have a computer, as well as each of my brothers and sisters. I once had both a laptop and a computer, but now I only have a laptop and sold the computer?
Totally 0 pcs I have

I want to eliminate this habit. It is harmful in many ways. Sometimes I have to pay for my laziness.
Don't be lazy otherwise you have suffer
I have a laptop and a computer and mostly I use these for fun and work
I want to eliminate this habit. It is harmful in many ways. Sometimes I have to pay for my laziness.
It happens to you too? I guess I'm not the only one. I'm working hard to get rid of that bad habit too.
The last time I used my laptop approximately 6 months ago. It is mostly used by my kids when they have to take online classes.
The last time I used my laptop approximately 6 months ago. It is mostly used by my kids when they have to take online classes.
The same is happening with me too, and these days I only open my laptop when I need to do something that I cannot complete on a phone
Phones don't count right? In that case I have only one computer, and that is my laptop.
I only have one computer for myself. The family doesn't have any computer for now.
In my house now, it is just the single laptop. The desktop computer is no longer working. I have to discard and replace it. I live alone and there is no need for ab extra computer.