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How do you deal with stress?


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Sep 23, 2023
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Stress is a natural everyday part of life. Everyone experiences it and everyone deals with it in a different way. How do you deal with it? Do you play games? Watch something? Exercise?
I am someone who has never been able to handle stress too well and I have found that out myself over the last few years due to the fact I suffered so many headaches and have now been diagnosed with acute migraines as well as fibromyalgia.

I do my best to handle stress as best I can and avoid it if I am able to but life tends to be stressful and can not always be avoided. Playing video games and listening to music tends to be my go-to when it comes to handling stress.

This is the best way I deal with stress. When I wake up, I will feel better and can be able to finish up most of the things I couldn't because of the stress they gave me.
When I feel stressed I remove myself from the situation and breathe
My mentor calls it using the avoidance-avoidance strategy. When you're no longer involved with what's stressing you out, the stress is bound to go away.
When I feel stressed I remove myself from the situation and breathe
I would say the same for me. I remove myself from the situation and do something else - an activity I enjoy, such as gaming, watching something or going to the gym.
Playing video games works on my stress levels very well. If I start playing video games, all my stress will be released off me.
I normally stop whatever I'm doing which is causing me stress if can but if I can't, I'll give it my best and rest later.
I deal with stress by playing video games, listening to music or just sleeping.
These are all my go-to's when I become stressed and they seem to work for me.
The best way of dealing with stress for me is taking a walk. It helps me to clear my head after getting a good fresh air on my face. Taking a break from everything helps a lot.
The best way of dealing with stress for me is taking a walk. It helps me to clear my head after getting a good fresh air on my face. Taking a break from everything helps a lot.
I have tried walking as a therapy when I'm stressed out but it didn't work in any positive way. It ended up affecting me more and adding more stress to what I'm already passing through. This is why when I began using sleeping as my therapy for stress, I was so much relived.
Yes, I deal with stress by engaging in activities that help me relax and unwind. Playing games, watching something entertaining, and exercising are some of the ways I cope with stress. These activities provide a distraction and help me rejuvenate both physically and mentally.
Either, I’ll eat loads of food until my mind has been taken off it. Or, I’ll just take a nap and then deal with the issue when I wake up.

I try and not worry myself over things that cannot be changed or that have not happened yet. You can’t change the inevitable.
Either, I’ll eat loads of food until my mind has been taken off it. Or, I’ll just take a nap and then deal with the issue when I wake up.

I try and not worry myself over things that cannot be changed or that have not happened yet. You can’t change the inevitable.
I try as much as possible to never put myself in the situation where I would be so worked up about anything. The moment I begin to worry about anything, I will find it very difficult to stop. I'm not sure if this can be seen as a mental health problem because I can't control whatever happens after that.
One of the ways that I get to manage stress is by having enough sleep. I do not joke with sleeping when I should do so, and it has been of great help to managing stress. Sometimes, I feel pity for anyone who is struggling with sleeping because it can be challenging when they work their socks off on a daily basis.
One of the ways that I get to manage stress is by having enough sleep. I do not joke with sleeping when I should do so, and it has been of great help to managing stress. Sometimes, I feel pity for anyone who is struggling with sleeping because it can be challenging when they work their socks off on a daily basis.
This is something that I agree with. Having a good sound sleep every night is very important like breathing throughout the day. If someone isn't sleeping well, his or her health will be in a serious jeopardy and if something is not done sooner to solve this problem, the person might develop high blood pressure. HBP is known to be a silent killer.
This doesn't happen to me often, because I have a quiet life, but if something like this happens, the best way for me is to put all the gadgets away and go for a walk somewhere very far away. Because when you just go, you can be alone with your thoughts and organize them yourself
Smartphone and laptop usage addiction is a serious problem for most people. If you cannot learn how to use them, they are going to be the one's that are using you. This is why some people struggle with face to face communication because they are more into doing it on their phones.
Meditation greatly helps me in managing stress. I tried meditation first time when I was a ninth grader, since then I have been practicing meditation, one and off, to manage stress and anxiety, even depression. I also try yoga and breathing exercises to manage stress. Going for a walk also greatly helps
For me it depends on what I have, there are so many ways I deal with stress. There are times where I just take a break and watch a movie, then there are other times I play games or just simply read a book, go for a walk and so on.