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How do you deal with stress?

For me it depends on what I have, there are so many ways I deal with stress. There are times where I just take a break and watch a movie, then there are other times I play games or just simply read a book, go for a walk and so on.
It would be difficult for me to distract myself from stress because when I have such problems, I try to focus on it in order to understand that it is really as scary as it seems
I have a lot of self confidence and know that whatever life throws at me I will be able to find a way to overcome. I totally believe in myself and this really helps me to deal with stressful situations.
Wow, you are a very strong person because I once also thought that I could fight with this, but when really difficult situations came, I could no longer control myself and I needed help
When I'm feeling stressed, I find it helpful to employ a multi-pronged approach. First, I try to identify the root cause of the stress and address it directly, whether that means tackling a specific task, setting better boundaries, or communicating more effectively. I also make sure to carve out time for stress-relieving activities like exercise, meditation, or simply stepping away for a short break.

This is the best way I deal with stress. When I wake up, I will feel better and can be able to finish up most of the things I couldn't because of the stress they gave me.
Often times people don't regard sleep as something they must do to reduce stress. Instead of sleeping, they would rather look for drugs or stress themselves looking for ways to refuse the stress. Some tend to view sleep, especially during the day as being unproductive.
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