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How did you sleep last night?

Mad Hatter


Mar 6, 2024
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Sleep is important for overall fitness and intellectual alertness, not to mention emotional stability. This thread is about your daily sleep habits. Last night it took me about half an hour to fall asleep. I think it was because I was active online just before I went to bed. As a rule I listen to soft music before I retire and I did not do that.

I woke up a few times but fell back to sleep quickly each time. I think I got about 7 hours of sleep overall. I hope that you slept well also, feel free to tell us about it.
I'm not someone who usually have a hard time falling asleep. Once I get back from work, shower and fall on my bread, sleep comes straight up. I don't usually roll around on the bed before sleep carries me.
I fell asleep after about 15 minutes as I lay there trying to figure out a problem in regards to my job. I woke up twice but got back to sleep quickly, bagged about 7.5 hours sleep.
Last night I slept around 1:45am then woke up around after 4 to begin my day. My sleep was very short and the worse part was that the weather was extremely hot.
I fell asleep fairly quickly and slept soundly once again and I managed to get 7.5 hours sleep, feel refreshed.
I went to sleep disappointed because Liverpool lost to Atalanta at their own backyard. Embarrassing display if you ask me, makes me wonder if the premier league is overrated afterall.
I sleep upside down last night that is my side on bed while my right hand and shoulder up it the way I have been sleeping and it master me
I slept really good last night, probably the best night of sleep I have had in a long time. I slept through all my alarms and woke later than I intended but I feel better for it so must have needed it.
I get all sorts. Sometimes I sleep soundly, sometimes badly. I think that is how it works. I do not carry my worries all the time, that helps.
I had work on my mind and it took me a long while to fall asleep. But when I did I slept very well and never woke up even once, I slept for a total of 8.5 hours.
I didn't sleep as well last night which was a shame, was hoping for another good night's sleep. Hoping that will happen tonight though.
I don't know what is happening to me lately because I fall asleep very soon and wake up an hour after the alarm clock and I still feel sleepless even though I slept for more than 10 hours
Perhaps you are tired and don't get enough deep sleep. Not all kinds of sleep are comforting and productive.

Or it is simply how you feel and you are perfectly ok.
Last night I woke up due to a crazy dream, I dreamt that I was a Russian spy! :cool:Anyway it took me around 20 minutes to fall back to sleep again. I woke up a second time but fell asleep quickly. I got around 8.25 hours sleep in all.
I slept good last night. I slept for about 8 or 9 hours and woke up feeling well rested.
I woke up this morning at 2:15 a.m. to use the washroom and fell back to sleep quickly. I woke up a 2nd time at 5:30 but decided that was too early to get up and went back to sleep again. I finally got up at 6:30 and got around 7.25 hours sleep in all.
I always seem to wake up at 3am. I wouldn't say I like it. Other than that I had a great night.
I couldn't get much sleep last night because I had to complete project work which have piled up for days. I only got like 3 or 4 hours of sleep throughout.