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Have you ever been caught staring at the opposite gender?

I don’t really think gender has a role to play here. Some people may be gay or not identify as straight. The issue here is that staring at someone is point blank rude - if you know your doing it then they will know too…
I have always done in my best in not stating deeply at the opposite gender. I find it disrespectful and an act that shouldn't be. I don't understand why some people feel okay staring at the opposite gender as it may come off as making them feel unease.
I have to conclude that some people are perverts with the way they stare at opposite sex. They can only be looking at their opposite sex especially from men when they are lusting over the lady they are starring at because if it's not about sex, they wouldn't have their eyes fixed on a lady for too long. She's not a television to stare at.
In my teenage days, I used to look at opposite sex, I do not like to use the word starring (it is too harsh). I believe it was a naturally tendency for hormonal charged individual. I was caught many times, I felt ashamed but it did not stop me form looking at opposite sex. As I grew older, my habit changed and I no longer look at opposite sex.
I don't like starring at anyone. I find it to be very disrespectful and I don't appreciate it when someone does that to me either.
Of course, this is so, but in most cases when someone does it, it is not specifically because, for example, you are thinking about something in your head and you look at a certain point and there may be a person standing there, but at that moment you are focused on your thought and cannot notice that that you are staring at someone
I've seen some people who are very good at staring at people especially their opposite gender. It looks worrying to me even though there might not be much to it.

Do you find yourself staring at others especially your opposite sex? Have you been caught while at it?
I don't stare at people that much and long and likewise, I don't like people staring at me for too long because it actually makes me feel uncomfortable and doesn't make me free in such places.

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