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Fruits After How much time?



Mar 23, 2024
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I see some of us like to have fruits just after our meal and its common in our houses to have apples or grapes just after we complete our meal and some say it's not good and we should have fruits after an hour or so of our meal.

What do you think about it?
At home we have papaya or banana as desert after lunch and dinner. There is no fruit during breakfast. We eat fruit after eating. We do not suspend our crave. Others drink coke instead of eating fruit reason why some get sick of diabetes.
No matter what they say for me its right to take a fruit at moment or after some hours after eating because my favorite fruit is pineapple and immediately after eating I used to take it because I enjoy taken it for a long time
In my country almost everyone would have the time to eat fruits usually after the meals. For instance after the lunch l always take my all time paw paw fruits and l really enjoy that fruits With my family for sure.
We usually take fruits after some hours of eating. My father used to buy apples or pineapple that we can take when we are done eating. Sometimes, we can go on fruit day which is a day that we can only fruits from morning till night.
I never eat fruit immediately after a main meal. In about 2 hours, I peel two apples and a banana to keep my energy up. After eating, I feel very hard, so I would not want to eat such sweet fruits right away
We don't have any rules here about eating fruits. We eat fruits when we have an urgent need to do so. Mango is the only fruit that we prefer to eat after lunch or dinner; other than this, there is no other fruit we take after the meal.
I am diabetic from a very young age and my meals have to be in moderate quantities and at regular intervals. I take fruits as my mid day snacks around 11 in the morning. That's exact between my breakfast and lunch. The second serving is around 4 , a couple of hours after my lunch
I never eat fruit immediately after a main meal. In about 2 hours, I peel two apples and a banana to keep my energy up. After eating, I feel very hard, so I would not want to eat such sweet fruits right away
For me l don't have any problems with eating of fruits immediately after eating.
Some research always keeps coming up with new findings. And many contradict the earlier ones. See what actually works for you. Every one has a different body constitution and might respond differently to the same thing. In South India, you are offered banana after a traditional meal. They believe that it helps with digestion. They have followed it for generations and stayed healthy. Some nutritionist and medical findings say that fruits should not be eaten with cooked food. So, a lot of contradictory findings... enough to confuse us
I mostly have these after my meal but since I am not a fan of fruits so I don't have that thing often
I love fruits and there are days when I choose to just live on them only. I will do some fasting on few days from time to time eating only fruits for the day. As such also, twice a week, I have my breakfast only of fruits
I don't consider this and have fruits when I want but not straight after a heavy lunch or dinner
In our Indian households where we grew, we were asked to avoid fruits with dairy products, except for few like banana and mangoes. The reason was that these fruits have some vitamin C and citrus quality and can cause indigestion and other health issues. I still see the advice going down the generation.
In our Indian households where we grew, we were asked to avoid fruits with dairy products, except for few like banana and mangoes. The reason was that these fruits have some vitamin C and citrus quality and can cause indigestion and other health issues. I still see the advice going down the generation.
It's important to follow this advice to keep ourselves safe from any indigestion related or stomach related problems
I think that one can take fruits a few hours after meals. That should be when digestion would be at it's peak and the fruits coming in at that time would easily hasten the digestion process. Maybe, two hours after meals is Ideal to take fruits.
I also feel its ideal to have fruits like after 2 hours or so after the meal and should never be had just after the meal
It's important to follow this advice to keep ourselves safe from any indigestion related or stomach related problems
I follow a lot of those advices that have come to us from our grandparents and older generation. Many people might have contradictory arguments, but I stick to them. And with age, I have realised what works for my body and what does not. I can stick to my own things as I know my body the best.
I follow a lot of those advices that have come to us from our grandparents and older generation. Many people might have contradictory arguments, but I stick to them. And with age, I have realised what works for my body and what does not. I can stick to my own things as I know my body the best.
It's better to stick with the advice of our grand parents and parents and since these are working for you, you should continue and this makes sense too
I sometimes like to have banana just after our meal and I guess its fine as I don't have fruits like that daily