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Do you prefer to eat spicy food?



Apr 30, 2024
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In addition to being delicious, spicy meals can also be highly nutritious. There are numerous health benefits of spicy meals that might help you reach your goals. Including additional spice in your diet can help you live longevity. The substance that gives peppers the spicy flavor, capsaicin, has been found to increase the body's capacity to burn fat and increase energy. Because the fact that obesity is a rising public health concern, persons who want to reduce their weight can benefit from spicy food's ability to reduce hunger and promote better health. The secret element that gives spicy food its ability to decrease hunger is capsaicin.
I like eating spicy food, but I don’t prefer to eat it over anything else.
I do like spicy food a lot and cannot have bland food so I like to add special tadka to my dishes and since I am a vegetarian so I do add extra onions and tomatoes in many dishes
In my country, my tribe is particularly known for preparing spicy foods. If there's any food that is spicy, everybody just automatically knows that it is prepared by someone from my tribe. To be honest I don't think spicy foods are that bad.
We should have moderately spicy food as too much spicy food won't do any good and is the reason of many diseases and in summers we should try to have less spicy food
In my country, my tribe is particularly known for preparing spicy foods. If there's any food that is spicy, everybody just automatically knows that it is prepared by someone from my tribe. To be honest I don't think spicy foods are that bad.
It depends on the spices that you add to food. Remember too much of everything is a disease and even the healthy spices, when taken too much can be harmful. But on the other hand, some people just believe in using all these synthetic spices in food. And that is not healthy.
Spicy food is fine but if its too much spicy then it won't do any good to our body and lever and in summer we should try to eat less spicy food
Not really a huge fan of spicy food, but there are times when I do eat it. Though majority of the times I prefer if it is mid spicy.
I do enjoy spicy foods, but they aren't my top preference. I mainly favor Italian cuisine like pasta dishes and pizza, which typically aren't very spicy. However, when I have Chinese, Mexican food, or chicken wings, I definitely like a bit of heat to spice things up! :)
Hungry Nyc GIF by 8it
That's good @Stan and this means you can easily try some of the Indian spicy dishes or chutney for that matter what are made purely of Green chillies
I have no issues with eating spicy food. I mean, it is quite good to be able to enjoy meals that get you sweating while you eat it. This is part of what I like a lot, from eating spicy food.
In my country, my tribe is particularly known for preparing spicy foods. If there's any food that is spicy, everybody just automatically knows that it is prepared by someone from my tribe. To be honest I don't think spicy foods are that bad.

Who told me spicy food was bad?

Excessive consumption of spicy food is bad and can affect your stomach. I prefer spicy food, but these days I don't because I develop acidity after eating spicy food. I have not consulted a doctor, but I guess that may be the reason.
I do like spicy food but I know my limits and cannot have an overly spicy food so its better to have moderately spicy food
Hmm..spices should be moderate; otherwise, it may not be good for the health, especially the stomach. Excess spices may result in excess acid in the stomach. I also cannot tolerate spicy food. My wife cooks well for us; she doesn't add too much spice to the food.
I remember I used to eat so much spicy during my childhood and even used to have green chili pickle with most of my dishes but these days I am more careful
I still eat raw green chili with meals. I feel good having them in salad. I don't like pickles of any kind; they are too spicy. We avoid red chili in the dishes because it burns my stomach if I eat it in excess.
Yes raw chillies are good but I have stopped consuming these now and we mostly add these to our dishes or to tadka and sometimes I take these in pickle form along with Dal or Saag
I always wish to grow green chilli at home as I have heard these can be easily grown and are good in taste. Yes, they taste good when you eat them along with dal or Saag. It seems you eat Saag alot being Punjabi .."Sarso ka Saag" and "Makke ki Roti" 😅👍
Yeah I do, although during my childhood I used to dislike Makki do roti but with time I have developed my taste so now I am fine with it and relish it and we even add stuffing of reddish or boiled potatoes in makki roti to make it even more softer
Wow..my wife is not that expert in making makke di roti but still she manages. I like Saag and can eat as many time I can, pouring ghee on it. This is special dish we prepare many times in a week in winter.