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Food and Drink Do you like to have cold drink with your lunch or meal?

Same here, there was a time I used to take carbonated drinks multiple times in a single week, but at moment, it could take weeks before i drink one and most times i don't even finish it in a day. Am also being mindful of what I eat or consume.
That's the best decision I took this year and it really helped me a lot. Carbonated drinks isn't helping my health and since I stopped them, I am living fine. I am using water in exchange of drinks.
That's the best decision I took this year and it really helped me a lot. Carbonated drinks isn't helping my health and since I stopped them, I am living fine. I am using water in exchange of drinks.
I attended a health seminar over the weekend, I came to find out how all these carbonated drinks usually eat us up slowly, affecting our skin and all that.
I attended a health seminar over the weekend, I came to find out how all these carbonated drinks usually eat us up slowly, affecting our skin and all that.
Carbonated drinks is not good for the body at all. It can be taken once in a while but consuming them all the days of the week is a slow killer to our body. I'm glad that I can stay some months without those drinks.
Carbonated drinks is not good for the body at all. It can be taken once in a while but consuming them all the days of the week is a slow killer to our body. I'm glad that I can stay some months without those drinks.
Indeed, this is why most of our kids today have issues studying and all that. The amount of sugar they take sucks a lot nutrients from their brains.
Indeed, this is why most of our kids today have issues studying and all that. The amount of sugar they take sucks a lot nutrients from their brains.
Knowledge is power. I am studying to make myself approve. My children will be glad to have a mum that have their interest at heart. I make sure that I give them things that will boost their mental, emotional, physical and psychological well being.
Knowledge is power. I am studying to make myself approve. My children will be glad to have a mum that have their interest at heart. I make sure that I give them things that will boost their mental, emotional, physical and psychological well being.
Nice one, keep up the good work. They will grow up enlightened and also use this same method to grow up their own kids. Hence creating a generation that is healthy.
I have seen this stupid trend where people cannot have their lunch or any meal without any drink so they are relying on that drink whenever they need to finish their meal.
Actually not a good idea how can be comfortable I always prefer taking meals with my water along for me feel comfortable and enjoy my meal.
No, I never like to have a cold drink with the meal; I prefer to have plain water. I dislike cold drinks, and being diabetic, cold drinks are not allowed for me. I don't like people who are addicted to cold drinks with meals.
You don't need to hate on people who are addicted to cold drinks with meals. The only thing you can do for them is to tell them the danger that accompanied with taking too much cold drinks and maybe give them measures on how to stop it.
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