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Do you jog?


Active Contributor

Sep 23, 2023
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Jogging is a great way to stay in shape and it's always good to get some cardio in. Do you enjoy jogging and if you do when do you typically like to jog? I personally don't like to jog but I do enjoy going for a walk here and there. I'd prefer to walk during the evening when it's not as hot outside, I can't wait for it to start to cool off here so I can walk more. I just don't like being out in the heat. :p
No, I don’t jog. I should probably add some cardio in the form of jogging or walking to my routine but I’m way too lazy.
When I was a kid I used to be a lot more active than I am now. I used to always be out and about, jogging and just being active in general.

Now that I am older, as much as I do tend to stay active, I can't say I tend to jog now as much as I used to and a lot of my exercise now is mainly walking when I have to head out.
I've tried jogging a few times, and it's just not for me. When I work out, my nose gets inflamed and it's hard to breathe through it, and I hate being a mouth breather. So no jogging for me.
I used to jog a lot. These days I'm only on bicycle. Anyway, the workouts are probably equal.
No, I don't job unless I want to play football. It helps to build up my cardio for the physicality of playing football.
Some years ago, I used to job very well. It's like running to me which I do too. I still jog but it's not like I used to.
I used to jog every early morning but after I was jumped one morning by some tugs, I've stopped jogging in the morning.
No, I don't jog. In fact, I don't like working out but because I must keep fit, that's why I force myself to the gym every now and then.
I enjoyed jogging when I was a bit younger and it was something that helped me started keeping fit in order to stay stronger daily. I believe that jogging works well for people that are younger while walking is great for anyone that is getting older. That is what I have observed so far with the turn of events as my dad now prefers walking instead of jogging.
Jogging is a very good exercise. I enjoyed jogging in the early morning to wake up my body fully before going to work out in the gym. I will never just go to the gym and start working out. I must first jog and do some jumping jacks before I will begin to carry out my work out drills. I might decide to job only which can cover for my exercise for the day.
These days I do not jog, I walk instead.I walk three times a week, in a 60 minutes session. Sometimes I walk more if time permits. IN the past I used to jog, especially when I was trying to lose my extra pounds. However, these days I have my BMI is in perfect ratio, therefore, I do not jog, I walk instead.
I would say that any exercise which warrants making use of your legs to put pressure on your body in any way can be considered as a good workout. It is why when I can walk, I will do so and when I can run, I will also do that. In all, my body gets a good workout session.
This is what I do most of all. I have a good form, so I don't do a lot of exercises. I run mostly on the treadmill. It's not that difficult and I don't need much time for it. I spend 5-10 minutes on it in the morning and the same amount in the evening and I really like it
I jog once in awhile but not always, I mostly go for walks majority of the times. Though I am very much aware about how effective jogging can be, in terms of keeping fit and our health.
Absolutely, jogging is one of my favorite forms of exercise. There's something incredibly freeing and meditative about lacing up my shoes and hitting the pavement or trail. I typically enjoy jogging first thing in the morning to start my day feeling energized and accomplished.
Yes I jog every weekend because that is the time I have to do other activities apart from working. But I don't jog alone, I make sure that I have like two or three more friends with me so that we can converse together. That is what makes jogging more interesting.
I do not jog on a regular basis, I mean I don't jog every day, I do not have a schedule for jogging. However, sometimes I jog and when I jog, I normally jog for 60 minutes. I like jogging in the morning..I have been trying to increase my jogging frequency
I do not jog on a regular basis, I mean I don't jog every day, I do not have a schedule for jogging. However, sometimes I jog and when I jog, I normally jog for 60 minutes. I like jogging in the morning..I have been trying to increase my jogging frequency
What a minute, you mean that you jog for 60 minutes? That is a whole hour! Truth be told I cannot do it, half an hour and I will already be panting like somebody who was chased by a lion 🥺
No, I don't jog but go for morning walks sometimes. Yes, jogging is a good exercise to stay fit and one must jog if concerns about his/her health. It helps in reducing body fat.