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Do you believe men and women can ever just be friends?


Active Contributor

Nov 12, 2023
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Have you been friends with a lady without having intentions of having romantic relationship with her? It's like they say, it's not possible to put a goat and yam in the same room without expecting the goat not to eat the yam.
Yes, I believe a man and a woman can be casual friends without crossing the line as long as they both know how to manage and maintain their boundaries.
Yes, I have platonic relationship with females and there's nothing attached to it. It's not a must to be sexually involved with any lady that you talk to or be friends with.
Yes, men and women can just be friends.
I have been friends with men and had no intentions of a relationship with them as we had more of a brother-and-sister bond.
Yes, I'm absolutely sure that men and women can just be friends without having to play with their genitals organs. If someone can control his or her sexual urges, the person can be close friends with opposite sex of their gender without having sexual intercourse with any of them.
I don't agree but classic answer:

Yes, men and women can absolutely be friends. Friendship is not limited by gender and can thrive without romantic or sexual intentions. Mutual respect, shared interests, and emotional connection are all important factors in building and maintaining platonic relationships.
I never believed it and I will never believe it, because all the cases when I saw it, they ended obviously. For me, I simply do not understand what is the point of having just a friend of the opposite article. For support, your friends can be articles, and for relationships, another
If you want to be friends with your opposite sex, there are boundaries you need to maintain because that is what will protect the friendship from being exploited by either of you. When there's no boundaries, either one of you will want to get into sex which ruins that kind of relationship.
If you both are straight, I do not think men and women can remain just friends. The only difference is some people step off the line and get into relationship and some people try to keep their feelings inside. However, for a gay man it is possible to become friends with a straight female and vice versa.
A proverb in my town says that you cannot put a goat in a barn of yam and expect the goat not to eat the yam. This is why I would say in most cases that for a man and woman to be just friends is very difficult if they are being honest with their feelings.
If you both are straight, I do not think men and women can remain just friends. The only difference is some people step off the line and get into relationship and some people try to keep their feelings inside. However, for a gay man it is possible to become friends with a straight female and vice versa.
And in this case, it is very difficult, because when a man and a woman want to be friends, they probably agree not to fall in love, and when someone feels love, they are forced to hide it, and this is probably very painful and will destroy the friendship in the future
It's a very big mistake for you to agree with a man or woman not to fall in love. When you're being forced to make that kind of agreement, it's like guilt tripping you into doing something you don't want to do. Leave everything out on plane state, if you fall in love, so be it, if not, so be it too.
Yes it's possible but with our current generation, it has become extremely hard to even just be friends with the opposite sex but it is still possible. I have had female friends that till date we are just close friends and notting more.
Yes and no. Because not all men and women are the same. Some misuse their friendship and some value it like gold.

I have seen very good friends who are so pure that no one would talk bad about their friendship.
I would speak for myself and very sincerely at that. I can't be closer to a lady without having some funny feelings to smash. I don't mean casual platonic friends that you do hi hi. I mean that kind of friendship that the lady comes to your house, cooks and probably spends a night. Sincerely, I would shoot my shot.
Yes it is very possible for a man and a woman to be just friends, however they have to maintain a level of boundaries. They shouldn't be too close and they shouldn't be seen alone every time.
Yes it is very possible for a man and a woman to be just friends, however they have to maintain a level of boundaries. They shouldn't be too close and they shouldn't be seen alone every time.
It is only that boundaries that would keep them far away that can make them to be just friends. If a man and woman are close enough to spend time in an enclosed space often, it is inevitable that the deed must be done. It is a natural thing. Nothing shameful about that.
The too-close thing is a bit tricky. Most men and women does not survive this. But there are gems who do.

Some people love their spouse so much that they simply cannot be in another relationship.