About time I started this thread
Fire away and ask your questions

Fire away and ask your questions

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To be financially stable and for world peace.If you could have anything in the world, what would it be?
My favourite colour is purpleWhat is your favorite color?
Mac and Cheese. So many people seem to love it and I have never been able to stand it and never understood why so many love it as much as they do.What is the one thing that everyone else seems to love and you don't understand why?
I doOMG I grew up on blue box Kraft Mac & Cheese, love the stuff!
Do you have pets, if so what?
Sure didDid you get any Christmas gifts for Alvin?
My usual breakfast is a bagel with either butter or chocolate spread, half a melon cut into pieces and a cup of teaWhat's your usual breakfast?
I would have to say that the best gift I ever received was for Christmas one year from my grandma and it was tickets to a Barry Manilow concert in May of the following yearWhat is the best gift you have ever received?
My first pet was a cat, we called him TC (Tom Cat). Always remember we lost him tragically when he was run over on a main road where we lived.What was your first pet?
Unfortunately, I have never travelled outside of my country. If I ever were to though, I would love to visit either France or New York.Have you ever traveled outside of your country and if so what was your favorite?
I prefer my pizza with toppingsHow do you like your pizza, plain or with toppings?
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