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AMA Ask Shortie

If someone gave you $2000000 what would you buy yourself as a Christmas gift?
I would probably pay off anything I needed to and treat myself to something I have been needing or wanting with that kind of money.

With the rest, I would treat family and help them out too.
Would you ever consider moving to a different country?
If a reason arose for me to need to move to a different country I would consider it.
If you had the chance to meet someone from another culture, who would it be, and what would you want to learn from them?.
This is a good question, but I am not sure I could pick one specific culture as there are so many questions I could ask different cultures that I would be interested in knowing the answer to.
How old is too old?
I am someone who always says that you are only as old as you feel. I wouldn't say any age is too old even though it may seem that way due to the high number.

Age is just a number after all and that is why I will always stick by the you are only as old as you feel :)
That's an excellent reply. I guess you are old like me and have a nice perspective about life.

Young people often have no idea what life actually is.

What is your favourite thing about the UK?
I would have to say the scenery, many places in the UK are amazing to visit and beautiful to see.
That's wonderful! have seen many countryside pictures online. They are indeed worth visiting.

What would you change if give a chance to fix anything you wish.
I would probably change the way I did things so that I was better off financially than I am now. I have made progress but I feel if I had made more changes sooner, things would be much different now.
Is there anything you do a lot but hate it?
I would say house work, I am someone who hates mess but also isn't always a fan of the jobs either. Due to me hating mess I do it even though I dislike it :)

Are you looking forward to Wrestlemania? Because of the time difference will you be watching it live or taped later on?
I am super excited for Wrestlemania :) I and my kids all stay up and watch it each year. This year, we are all super excited. Have not been this excited for Wrestlemania in a very long time :)
How do you cope with working online and other activities outside the online space?
At first, I found it difficult and stressful but managed to get into a routine. Unfortunately, I started taking on too much due to enjoying my work and that again got me stressed so I have been working on lowering how much I take on now and working with what I know I can handle and I have felt less stressed doing that.
Hi What's something you're passionate about that you wish more people knew or understood?
I would have to say video games and playing video games. As much as playing video games has become more understood compared to years ago, some people still see playing video games as a waste of time when it a lot of cases, it is helping many with their mental health.
At first, I found it difficult and stressful but managed to get into a routine. Unfortunately, I started taking on too much due to enjoying my work and that again got me stressed so I have been working on lowering how much I take on now and working with what I know I can handle and I have felt less stressed doing that.

I would have to say video games and playing video games. As much as playing video games has become more understood compared to years ago, some people still see playing video games as a waste of time when it a lot of cases, it is helping many with their mental health.
That's pretty impressive, I think that's why is happening to me right now. I have been working on various projects recently and it's more like I do not have enough time for myself any longer.
That's pretty impressive, I think that's why is happening to me right now. I have been working on various projects recently and it's more like I do not have enough time for myself any longer.
I am at the moment looking for ways to balance everything out so I do have that time to myself do do things I enjoy. You don't always realize just how much you can get burned out until you do.

Daily Poll: Which universe do you prefer?

  • Marvel

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • DC

    Votes: 2 66.7%
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