O.K. I'm going to ask the question that everyone wants to know, but is too afraid to ask:

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I am 5'1O.K. I'm going to ask the question that everyone wants to know, but is too afraid to ask:
That's so true, I think I we do the same for myself.I am at the moment looking for ways to balance everything out so I do have that time to myself do do things I enjoy. You don't always realize just how much you can get burned out until you do.
Why did you resign from FP?
You can avoid this question, if you want, and answer the following question, instead
Are your websites self sustaining, or do you fund from your pockets?
On how many forums sites do you work?
This was a nickname my friends gave me at school, I have always been short and they always used to say I was cute, the nickname Shortie started and it has stuck ever sinceNot sure if it has already been asked, but why the username Shortie?
Weekend has been good so far, about to watch WWE Saturday Night's Main Event in just a little with familyHow's your weekend looking?
In the WWE? If so that would beWho do you support in the current roster?
This is a good questionWho's your favorite wrestler of all time?
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