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Are you ashamed to cry in front of people close to you?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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I dare say that I am ashamed to cry in front of anyone. No matter how close this person is to me, it would be difficult for me to do this. However, some people, on the contrary, feel comfortable in front of loved ones and can show real emotions
Yes I am kind of shy but the times it has happened, I can't really control myself so I just let it happen. After all they are close to me, I just ignore every other thoughts.
I am really the type that hide my feelings so well and nobody even my loved ones will not know when I and down or feeling emotional. I can render my shoulders to my family or friends to cry out their pains.
I don't mind crying while I am with my loved ones as I know they will console me. So, I let it all out and I know that I will feel better at the end of the day afterwards.
I have never cried for anyone or anything in my life. I don't know what it feels like to cry. Maybe I did cried as a kid but as an adult, nothing have been strong enough to make me shed tears.
No one cares about your feelings as a man. So, when you cry in front of people, they see you as a weakling person which doesn't do so well for you. Keep it down and grind out.
No one cares about your feelings as a man. So, when you cry in front of people, they see you as a weakling person which doesn't do so well for you. Keep it down and grind out.

I will always say that men should stay strong and focus on being stronger daily. There is no big deal with crying, but do it in your closest and be out there smiling afterwards.
I see nothing wrong with crying in front of those who loves you. It is a show of understand, resilience and good attitude. So, I will definitely do it over and over again.