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Debate Abuse is All They Know

Indeed it was not easy for them but somehow they did not give up.
Trust me, those kids that overcome those childhood traumas and build their confidence are the real winners!
They truly are. And it's heartwarming to see that they do come back to help others who are going through the same. They feel a strong connect to the cause and are fully devoted. They are really motivating to others.
They truly are. And it's heartwarming to see that they do come back to help others who are going through the same. They feel a strong connect to the cause and are fully devoted. They are really motivating to others.
Their example is indeed w great motivation to everyone, me inclusive. It shows that no matter what we have passed through in life, we can still turn out great, even better.
They truly are. And it's heartwarming to see that they do come back to help others who are going through the same. They feel a strong connect to the cause and are fully devoted. They are really motivating to others.
Yes that's cause they have been in that position before, so they know what it's like first hand. Therefore they do not want anyone else to experience it.
Yes that's cause they have been in that position before, so they know what it's like first hand. Therefore they do not want anyone else to experience it.
And they can actually find the real connections with the victim and help them in a more profound way than anyone else would. Plus the effort comes from their heart and so has more impact.
Yes that's cause they have been in that position before, so they know what it's like first hand. Therefore they do not want anyone else to experience it.
Truly, only those who have faced such issue before will know how it feels. And such people, in their genuineness, will not want others to pass through it too.
Yes they will be in a much better place to help compared to others out there. Anyways church people are the real MVP
Yes they will be in a much better place to help compared to others out there. Anyways church people are the real MVP
On point. I have been in some situations myself, that's why I whenever I see people going through similar situations I try to help them.
What situations have you been in before ?
What situations have you been in before ?
Situations like hunger, severe hunger. While still schooling, I go hungry a lot because of limited finances to purchase food. Now when I see people hungry, I tend to help them, because I know how it felt to be hungry.
Yes I also experienced that during my school days, there where times I had to stay a day without food or even two days. But thank God does days are gone.
It's very natural for us to develop empathy for others who are going through some sufferings that we have been through. It's good if people come forward to help others and help them. This is what makes the society a cooperative one.
Yes i don't know what they think to themselves Manny time i used be victims and i know the feeling this world is getting full of toxic peoples
Many people stay in toxic relationships for a variety of complex reasons that are often difficult for outsiders to understand. It could be due to low self-esteem, fear of being alone, or the hope that their partner will change. Emotional attachment and a sense of familiarity can also make it hard to leave. Simply advising someone to "dump" the relationship may not be effective because it doesn't address these deeper issues. Offering support and understanding, while encouraging professional help, can be more beneficial in helping someone recognize their worth and make healthier choices.
A lot people seek out toxic relationships, but others can't understand why. In that case, other folks will try to convince people to dump the relationships, but to no avail. What might be the reason? Is it the thread title?
@rosakhail . Very true. Human behaviour and relationships are very complicated and can not be compartmentalized into black and white. They are more in shades of grey. The victim can't be given any black/white advice to make a decision. It won't be effective. Support, gentle help to make them aware and to seek professional help would be a better effective way. The person has to take the conscious decision, no one else can do it for him or her.
@rosakhail . Very true. Human behaviour and relationships are very complicated and can not be compartmentalized into black and white. They are more in shades of grey. The victim can't be given any black/white advice to make a decision. It won't be effective. Support, gentle help to make them aware and to seek professional help would be a better effective way. The person has to take the conscious decision, no one else can do it for him or her.
I completely agree with you here,no matter what you say, if these people do not make a conscious effort on their part, everything you say will be useless.
I completely agree with you here,no matter what you say, if these people do not make a conscious effort on their part, everything you say will be useless.
We as a support system can only support them gently with our heart at good place. We need to exercise our patience with them. It might take a long for the conscious to come up after so much of abuse and shattered self esteem. But the final decision has to come from their will. It can't be forced. They can't be pressurized or preached. They are going through sufferings that might have let them totally cut off from the emotions. Some also get habitual to playing victim card and don't want to come out.
We as a support system can only support them gently with our heart at good place. We need to exercise our patience with them. It might take a long for the conscious to come up after so much of abuse and shattered self esteem. But the final decision has to come from their will. It can't be forced. They can't be pressurized or preached. They are going through sufferings that might have let them totally cut off from the emotions. Some also get habitual to playing victim card and don't want to come out.
That means we have to reach out to help such ones so that they can come out of their shell and speak up.
The reason why some people stay in toxic relationships despite advice to leave can be complex and deeply personal. Often, individuals may have emotional attachments or dependencies that are difficult to break. They might also have low self-esteem or fear being alone, which can keep them in unhealthy situations. It's rarely just about external advice; internal factors and emotional dynamics play a significant role in these decisions.

True that is why I can't really judge people who are in a toxic relationship right now cause we don't really know their full story.
That means we have to reach out to help such ones so that they can come out of their shell and speak up.
Yes, we have to..but in a very gentle supportive way. It should not seem like barging into their personal space. These things are very sensitive and have to be handled carefully. Sometimes a good intention is not enough. If it's not coupled with a sensitive handling, it can backfire.