Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

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  1. Jane

    Milestone 2000 posts!

    Woooo! well done :)
  2. Jane

    Do you have a short temper?

    Cheek! 😂😂😂😂
  3. Jane

    Music Your favourite bands?

    Genesis..Pink Floyd..Phil Collins..Mike and the Mechanics…Michael Jackson…Journey..Toto…ELO…tons more..
  4. Jane

    Summer or winter?

    Winter..I HATE it when it gets really hot..
  5. Jane

    Do you have a short temper?

    Yes..it gets worse as I get older..
  6. Jane

    What is your favourite food?

    I LOVE Indian food. nom nom
  7. Jane

    When you catch a cold

    Not had a cold for years..I have had covid though which felt like a cold..had a stupid cough as well
  8. Jane

    Gaming Video games

    My kids are the game players..I’ve watched my daughter play Skyrim and Assassins Creed..The last of us..(the tv version was so good!) Until Dawn is a good one..she has also played COD,very well I might add. Me..I have an old point and click PC game from about 2001 I think..It is a good...
  9. Jane

    Movies What is your favourite movie?

    Alien…The Exorcist..Halloween..The original Texas chainsaw massacre…Harry Potter.. ..
  10. Jane

    News Matthew Perry from Friends has passed away

    That was so sad..bless him. 😥
  11. Jane

    Hellooo everyone

  12. Jane

    What is the weather like today?

    Piddling with rain and very windy
  13. Jane


    My daughter has tattoos..with her it helps with her confidence. If people don't like them..fine..but do NOT comment about her in front of me or….🤬🤬. They are beautiful. I dont have any..yet..
  14. Jane

    What's the longest you've been ill?

    With things like the flu..about a week…I have other issues that come and go..
  15. Jane

    Do you collect anything?

    fridge magnets
  16. Jane

    How many siblings do you have?

    An older brother
  17. Jane

    Do you know how to cook your own food?

    I love cooking.. especially Indian food,
  18. Jane

    How many languages do you speak?

    Sadly none..apart from English. I spent three years lear ing French at school..cant speak a word of it. I am trying to learn German amongst others via audible.
  19. Jane

    Hellooo everyone

    A newbie. Found you on Kyngs forum. So here I am for a look around. Nice to be here,:)