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Do you have a short temper?

Extremely. I have a typical Irish temper.
Conor Mcgregor World GIF
Conor Mcgregor Sport GIF by UFC
Stare Down Here We Go GIF by UFC
How my temper flares up depends on whatever someone have done to me. It's not everything single thing which someone did to me that would make me become very angry. I might not like what the person did but it won't make me so pissed. If it's anything extremely bad, my anger will be hot enough to burn a house down.
Growing up, I can say that my temper was really out of this world. It was a bit crazy and I always wondered why it was that bad as I can literally get angry for minor things that shouldn't have mattered. As I became an adult, I realised that I needed to work on myself and become a better person, and that was what I did then. So, nowadays, it is very difficult to get me angry.
Growing up, I can say that my temper was really out of this world. It was a bit crazy and I always wondered why it was that bad as I can literally get angry for minor things that shouldn't have mattered. As I became an adult, I realised that I needed to work on myself and become a better person, and that was what I did then. So, nowadays, it is very difficult to get me angry.

Becoming older brings with it so much maturity. This is why some things which someone used to do when he or she was younger are dropped when the person becomes old. This is why you are able to stop the habit of being hot tempered. Hot tempered is very bad because it may put you in a big problem.
It depends. My temper usually isn't too bad, but if I'm already having a bad day or I'm tired, I can have quite a short temper.
It has gotten better since I was younger as it used to be worse than it is now.
I think I’m the same way it depends on what day I’m having which I know is not fair to the other person 😞
I have a short temper, I started losing temper on petty things when I was still a kid. My father though it could be clinical conditions, so he took me to a psychiatrist when I was a 7th grader. The doctor said it was common in hormonal challenged boy and will go away once he grows up. Sadly, my temper never improved.

Sometimes you need extra help when handling anger issues. Your tempers can flare up very quickly and that is not healthy for the person. I was told that when you're always having high temper issues, it makes your blood pressure to rise too high.

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  • Marvel

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