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Recent content by Bizdustry

  1. B

    Debate Smoking

    Never smoked. It’s really bad and that’s vaping included. Young people shouldn’t start vaping - it should be used as a stepping stone to quit smoking tobacco or other substances tbh.
  2. B

    AMA Ask Alex

    Again, Lion King and also Marlie and Me was quite a emotional one to watch. Tricky one. On one hand I enjoyed the physical element and being away from the class in Physical Education (PE), but on the other side of the coin I loved computing.
  3. B

    Gaming Scratch

    Not on a professional level, but I developed a 2D racing game. It’s not code as such but rather commands like (if) = x etc. but good fun.
  4. B

    Do you watch any ghost hunting?

    Not any real ghost hunting but I do watch Ghost Busters. Seen all of the movies and episodes to date. Pretty fun to watch.
  5. B

    Food and Drink Do you like Shortbread?

    I absolutely love shortbread but I have been trying to cut down on my sugar intake recently. Cautious of the potential diabetes risk and other health risks from excessive sugar. But, I do like a good shortbread.
  6. B

    How tall are you?

    I am 511 ft. So close to being 6ft tall. Maybe if I put some high heels on 🤣 I’d reach the 6ft mark. But yeah, definitely not the tallest in the world.
  7. B

    Do you like the snow?

    I do like the snow but we really don’t get enough of it here in the south part of the UK. Last time we had heavy snow was in 2016. Prior to 2016 it happened every year pretty much but probably because of climate change it’s not been occurring as much
  8. B

    Teddy Bears

    I love Teddy bears. I’ve still got mine that I grew up with ever since I was a baby. It’s sitting right next to me on my bed side table right now.
  9. B

    Have you ever been a victim of a natural disaster?

    I believe Covid 19 was a natural disaster and I did catch it. Fortunately I am young and healthy enough to come out okay, but others didn’t. So guess to some extent I have been a victim. But there’s a lot worse going on in the world
  10. B

    Have you ever been caught staring at the opposite gender?

    I don’t really think gender has a role to play here. Some people may be gay or not identify as straight. The issue here is that staring at someone is point blank rude - if you know your doing it then they will know too…
  11. B

    Do you buy or rent books?

    Neither. We’ve still got library’s and they are funded by the state. Free to borrow a book, provided you return it on time and in good condition.
  12. B

    Are you scared of the dark?

    No, not really scared of the dark. I do prefer to sleep with a dim room rather than pitch black with the exception of having a big migraine. Something about pitch black isn’t comforting to sleep in tbh.
  13. B

    How many naps do you take in a day?

    Generally just the one nap. I hate taking naps other times before bed as it really impacts my sleeping pattern. But if I am over tired I will try and get one in
  14. B

    Gaming Do you own a Nintendo Switch?

    No. I don’t own a Nintendo switch. The last Nintendo device I owned was the 2DS, but this goes back many years now. I have my smart phone for portable gaming and that’s doing just fine
  15. B

    Gaming Free or paid games?

    There are some great free games out there. Just look at what Epic Games created, ‘Fortnite’. The free titles tend to come with pushy micro transactions that they want you to upgrade with but that’s the price you pay for not paying for paid title in the first place.
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