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Gaming Scratch



10 Posts Club
DH Member
Who remembers Scratch? It is quite a old software now, but it's open source and allows you to make basic 2D and 3D games using video programming commands. It's quite a good way to get into video game development - if you have no experience.
This is my first time of hearing about this open source game programming software. I've never had any interest in developing video games, otherwise I would have checked it out since it's still active. Did you try developing any games with it?
Not on a professional level, but I developed a 2D racing game. It’s not code as such but rather commands like (if) = x etc. but good fun.
Who remembers Scratch? It is quite a old software now, but it's open source and allows you to make basic 2D and 3D games using video programming commands. It's quite a good way to get into video game development - if you have no experience.
Nowadays people tend to use Java-based language that is called processing so the use of processing is more than scratch because it is more popular. Both of them are good in concept to use and both them are based on math concern.
Never heard of something called Scratch. When I was growing up, I had no interested in computer and technology, therefore, getting into game development was out of question for me., and now I am too old to learn game development. Even if I try, I might not have enough time for learning the skill as I have a lot of commitments.
Never heard of something called Scratch. When I was growing up, I had no interested in computer and technology, therefore, getting into game development was out of question for me., and now I am too old to learn game development. Even if I try, I might not have enough time for learning the skill as I have a lot of commitments.
If you need to learn a new language it is not required to do it daily, some people prefer to learn programming on weekends as they have spare time then. Except if someone is working during weekends, then the process will be harder.
If you need to learn a new language it is not required to do it daily, some people prefer to learn programming on weekends as they have spare time then. Except if someone is working during weekends, then the process will be harder.
If you try to learn only through weekend class, it will take a long time to learn. You might take many weeks just to learn HTML. If you cannot devote your time in learning, you should not start learning. To lean you need to be very much dedicated. By the way, there are also game development platform where you can create games without coding.

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