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What's your average daily steps?



Oct 4, 2023
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Do you have a way of knowing how many steps you take every day? I'm making use of Sweat coin application that helps to read my steps every day. My daily target is 10,000 but I can average 6,000 steps daily.
I’ve used Sweatcoin and smart watches in the past but I don’t really care anymore. It’s insignificant information to me now.
I have no idea because I never checked it. It may be thousands because I run for 30 minutes on the treadmill every morning.
My daily steps is usually between 2500 to 3000 steps every day. I don't walk about too much in a day which is why I don't have higher number of steps in a day.
I used to walk about too much every day. I can barely walk 1000 steps in a day. Some days, it's below 500 steps. I work from home, so I don't go out often.
I am not someone that used to walk longer distances on a daily basis. However, I have learnt recently to begin to walk more distances on a daily basis. I realised that there are a lot of benefits with walking and that was what made me to begin to do this and so far, it has been easy for me to achieve as well.
I have been walking for longer hours lately. This is as a result of the new job I am working on now. The job requires walking so much to oversee so many other departments working in the company. Yesterday, I walked about 15,200 steps. Some days, I may walk lesser steps depending on what I have to do.
I have the Google Fit app installed on my phone that keeps track of my daily steps. I have an average of about 200,000 steps per month which is about 6,500 steps per day. I think it's pretty good. I'll see if I can increase it this year though. Walking is the easiest exercise to stay in shape, I believe.
I’ve used Sweatcoin and smart watches in the past but I don’t really care anymore. It’s insignificant information to me now.
I found out from the update on this Sweat coin application that they have upgraded to earning in cryptocurrency from your daily steps. In the update, it says about 3000 steps will be converted to cryptocurrency and the rest converted to sweat coin. I have created my cryptocurrency wallet with the application.
I found out from the update on this Sweat coin application that they have upgraded to earning in cryptocurrency from your daily steps. In the update, it says about 3000 steps will be converted to cryptocurrency and the rest converted to sweat coin. I have created my cryptocurrency wallet with the application.
I could reach 750 steps every day if I decide to practice some sports and reduce the vehicle and taxi or uber and public transportation consummation but the reward for 3000 steps doesn't fit the effort given while it is good for your health care.
I could reach 750 steps every day if I decide to practice some sports and reduce the vehicle and taxi or uber and public transportation consummation but the reward for 3000 steps doesn't fit the effort given while it is good for your health care.
Truly, I'm not looking at the reward which the sweat coin application is going to give me for completing certain number of steps. I'm not walking for the few quids but for the overall general good of my health. The health benefits I'm gaining is better than what they will pay me in sweat coin.
Truly, I'm not looking at the reward which the sweat coin application is going to give me for completing certain number of steps. I'm not walking for the few quids but for the overall general good of my health. The health benefits I'm gaining is better than what they will pay me in sweat coin.
I am also on the same level. There is a big difference between someone just focusing on reward then will uninstall the application and the last interest is his health and someone who installs the app as encouragement to do more steps every day.
I am not someone that used to walk longer distances on a daily basis. However, I have learnt recently to begin to walk more distances on a daily basis. I realised that there are a lot of benefits with walking and that was what made me to begin to do this and so far, it has been easy for me to achieve as well.
Weekends are the only days of the week when I do not walk too much. This is because I'm always at home most of the time during weekends. I have to rest well after working throughout the week. There are weekends I don't walk up to 500 steps because I will never leave my doorstep.
Currently, I do not have an app or device that counts my steps but in the past when I had an app that counted steps, I used to walk 10 thousands steps per day on average, sometimes I even walked 20 thousands steps. I think those are a lot of steps for someone who does not travel for work and works from home.
Walking 10,000 steps to 20,000 steps on daily basis is very big. I haven't been able to walk up to 20,000 steps in a day but I was close to reaching that mark one day. It should be around 16,000 or 18,000 steps I maxed out that very day. My legs were hurting very bad as a result of it.
I used to count these steps just to know the approximate number and whether I would fulfill the norm, but in the last 2 years I haven't even changed my route, so I already know how many steps I will take a couple of days in advance. For example, on working days it can be even more than 12 thousand steps, and on weekends no more than 3 thousand per day
Anyone who is not working during weekends will have less steps to cover up on such a day. This is unlike how it is when you are working during the weekdays. Depending on the kind of work you are into, you will cover more than 15, 000 steps in a day. It's a good way of working out and keeping fit.
I usually average about 2500-5,000 steps on a daily basis. 10-20k steps in one day are the most I’ve ever walked.
My goal is only 9K. I walk 40 minutes in the morning and walk an hour late afternoon. I only average 6K steps a day!
My total recorded steps today at this time is 16,540 steps. I walked this much today because I had to go for shopping in the market in order to restock my food items at home. I had so many food stores visited which topped up how much I had to walk today.