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What's your average daily steps?

My total recorded steps today at this time is 16,540 steps. I walked this much today because I had to go for shopping in the market in order to restock my food items at home. I had so many food stores visited which topped up how much I had to walk today.
I had the record for most 25k steps when all public transport stopped in the city and I needed to visit some shops so I just walked because I couldn't afford a taxi. I will never forget how my legs hurt that evening
I use a fitness tracker to monitor my steps throughout the day. Having that number available with just a glance at my wrist or phone screen really motivates me to stay active and hit my daily step goals. On days when I'm drafting behind a computer, I'm more conscious about taking regular breaks to walk around and boost my step count.
It depends on my activities for that day. My morning walks is usually over 10,000 steps. Most mornings I usually walk up to 11k or 12,000 steps and more. Then there are sometimes I just don't get to 9k plus. My other daily activities not included though.
I always have a lot of steps during the day because I get to work on foot and almost every day I run on the treadmill for 20 minutes. If on average during the week, it is 12 thousand steps, but if on average during the working week, it is about 18 thousand steps
Recently I don't walk all that much, but my steps have reduced drastically. Though I still try my best to keep up my early morning daily steps.
I have an app in my phone where my daily steps are recorded every day. Mostly my average steps are recorded 20k , I have a target of 25k daily which I am able to achieve rarely.
My average step is 6000 to 14000 because daily i used to walk and run too much for my physical fitness
I have an app in my phone where my daily steps are recorded every day. Mostly my average steps are recorded 20k , I have a target of 25k daily which I am able to achieve rarely.
What kind of app is that? I wouldn't mind getting it so I can also keep track of my steps daily. I feel like I'm not taking enough steps each day.
@Teegold there are plenty of such apps on play store. I use step set go which was referred by someone.
Do you have a way of knowing how many steps you take every day? I'm making use of Sweat coin application that helps to read my steps every day. My daily target is 10,000 but I can average 6,000 steps daily.
As an introvert during daytime they are countable but at night they're pretty more than that of daytime
Do you have a way of knowing how many steps you take every day? I'm making use of Sweat coin application that helps to read my steps every day. My daily target is 10,000 but I can average 6,000 steps daily.
Sometimes 5,000 and sometimes 10,000 steps. But it depends on where I find myself at the moment. I do make it to 50,000 when I go out for my morning exercise.
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As an introvert during daytime they are countable but at night they're pretty more than that of daytime
So that means you tend to come out more at night than during the day? But why is that?