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What would you spend $1 million on if you win it?

Ja sa bong


Sep 23, 2023
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I'm sure nobody would turn down an opportunity to win $1 million unless the person no longer have any need for money in his or her life which I doubt there's anyone who doesn't need money for one thing or another. If not for anything else, they need money to feed.

If you suddenly win $1 million, what would you spend most of the money on?
I’d pay off my parent’s mortgage, buy my own house, buy a car, go on a holiday and save the rest for investments.
Buy a business, buy an apartment building to keep the money flowing
I have no debt to pay and neither does my parents. I'll buy myself a yacht ⛵. I've always wanted to own one.
I'd probably put some of the money away to be able to go to a BTS concert and give the rest to my family.
I wouldn't know what else to do with the rest of the money.
My family is rich enough they won't have any need for the money. I'll go buy one of those Tesla car if the money can afford it.
I'll invest everything in Real Estate. Real Estate is a gold mine for investment which will still be up for decades. Your great grand children will benefit from your investment in Real Estate today.
I’d pay off my parent’s mortgage, buy my own house, buy a car, go on a holiday and save the rest for investments.
I would equally pay off my parents mortgage if they have any outstanding debts to pay on it. Investing some part of the money is a smart decision because this would make a provision for more money to be made from what have been invested as long it's not a scam investment.
If I were to win $1 million, I would most probably invest a major part of it in a diversified portfolio that would give at least 30% return in the long term or about 18-20% annually, purchase a modest home in Mumbai, fulfill every dream of my loved ones, travel the world, and donate a portion of it to charitable causes that align with my values.
Buy a business, buy an apartment building to keep the money flowing
The saying - "you use the money which you have to make more money" is very correct and it's what you're stressing here. The one rule of money is to keep making more to add to what you already have, if not, you would not know when you have embezzled the millions of dollars.
I really hope that this will not happen because I didn't want to win money because it loses its value and you will buy everything you don't need and it will soon run out. In order to somehow protect assets, I would buy a house for myself and a few more to sell in the future when prices are higher
I would rather win a billon dollar and spend it on buying so many things than not win it at all. Money is meant to be spent, I don't understand the reason why I would not want to win money which is up to a million dollars because I would feel it's going to lose value in my eyes.
I have outstanding bank loan, I will pay the entire loan. My parents have debt, I would also pay off my parents' debt. M spouse always complain that I squandered her money, I would give her enough money to compensate her loss and still I would have some money left to buy a hose in the town I live in.
Paying off your loan debt is very important. If you do that, it's a very good decision because when you don't pay your outstanding loan, the interest on the money will keep increasing. This will go ahead in making it very hard for you to pay off the money.
I’d pay off my parent’s mortgage, buy my own house, buy a car, go on a holiday and save the rest for investments.
Buying a house for your parents is a noble thing, but if you won these funds, they are not so valuable, and I think that later you would not have thoughts about investing and you would want to spend them faster
My parents already have their own house but it won't stop me from buying another house for them when I have the kind of money needed to fund such an expensive project. Anything which I do for my parents is worth it because they deserve the best in the world from me.
I think with a Million, I would buy another house and spend a bit of it advertising some of my websites :)
My mother and I play the lottery very often, so I wouldn't mind if I won a million because I've had plans for such money for a long time. The first thing is to pay the debts to everyone I owe, because over the years I have a lot of them
Pay off the mortgage, spend a couple of weeks down in Mexico, buy 2 new vehicles, one for me and one for my girlfriend. Sock the rest away.
$1 million is a lot of money. I will spend it on acquiring assets, those kinds that will appreciate over time. These include landed properties, houses, businesses and so on. I will make sure I don't ever go broke again in my life.