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what things do you always take with you when you go somewhere?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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every day, most of us leave the house somewhere, for example, to the store. I always take my house keys, smartphone and the most important documents with me because I don't know what might happen. Sometimes if I know I won't be at home for a long time, I take a power bank for my smartphone because it runs out very quickly
I always take my laptop and phone with me where ever I go. I work online and I need my laptop and phone to work. I frequently need to communicate with my clients, therefore, I need to take my laptop and phone with me even when I am outdoors for a couple of hours. I need to be online all the time.
It depends on where am going to, if I know I might waste a lot of time there, I will go with my power bank, and smartphone. If am not going to waste much time there it would be just my smartphone.
I bring my dog with me most everywhere I go. lol
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A toothbrush, $20 ;)

Well, only Reacher can do that. I pack heavily. Add all unnecessary junk without consideration and regret later.
I always take my power banks, my chargers and my laptop. 3 pieces of clothes and I am ready to move to anywhere. When I remember, I can take my toothbrush but that is not always too significant as it can be bought with ease at the destination.
My phone, my wallet, keys (house keys and car keys as the case may be). I also make sure that I have some cash with me in case of an emergency. I also go with some snacks when I see fit, nothing like snacking on the road!
My wallet, I never leave home without it. If I have to go into the forest I bring my bear spray and a 10" hunting knife with me.
No matter what my destination may be, there are a few essentials I never leave home without my smartphone, purse, face wash and hair bursh. But beyond just the practical items, I also make sure to bring an open mind and sense of wonder wherever I go.
Whenever I leave my house, I make sure that I am with my smartphone and some money. But if I am going to stay much time there, I will go with my bag where I put my charger, money and power bank and even brush in case i am sleeping off.
I never forget to take my smartphone, wallet along with me when I go out of home, anywhere.
I always carry my smartphone where ever I go and these days its important to carry a water bottle too plus my wallet
In my own opinion l don't leave behind, the smartphone, handkerchief, wallet and probably the bottle of water.
Oh my smartphone is extremely important. When I am not doing a design with my laptop, I am usually with my phone working online. So I am always carrying it along.
My smartphone never leaves my side. It goes with me to anywhere. I don't even take my house key often. I take my airport 95% of the times I leave my house.
My smartphone is most important and then its important to know if I am going with my family or alone and going on bike or car or on foot
My battery no longer last like it used to, so another thing that is important to me is my charger and power bank.
It's important to have our gadgets with us and power bank does helps a lot in helping us stay online for longer

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