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What makes a great movie stand out?



Oct 30, 2023
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What elements do you think will make movies great movies? As far as I am concerned, a great movie is actually a blend of compelling storytelling, engaging characters, and skilled direction that captivates audiences. Think about classics like "The Godfather" or contemporary hits like "Inception" – they all excel in these aspects. A great movie is also about great performance from the actors and an interesting presentation.
In my opinion, most of the films are very bad because the directors focus a lot of attention on the graphics, but forget about the script and the actors' performance, so the picture can look very good, but the whole film in general is not very good. Therefore, the first place should be a good script and then special effects
A great movie is a combination of various things from a good story, interesting characters, good performance of characters, good direction, good custom, good special effects. etc. If the film maker minimizes one aspects, the movie will fail. Sadly, these days focus is on just CGI
In my view, the hallmarks of a truly great movie are a compelling, character-driven narrative, vivid and immersive world-building, thematic depth, and technical mastery of the cinematic medium. The most memorable films seamlessly blend these elements to create an experience that resonates emotionally, intellectually, and viscerally with the audience. Masterful storytelling, innovative visuals, and an unwavering commitment to artistic integrity are all crucial in elevating a film to greatness.
If the movie caters to my genre and the acting is decent that will make the movie for me. I prefer historical movies so realism and historical accuracy are important to me.
For me when we talk about what makes a great movie stand out, I think it mainly has to do with having a good plot, and actors who are able to bring the characters to life.
The plot and the actors. The 2 are very important, because a movie can have a really good plot but ruined by terrible actors. And movies can also feature really good actors but have a terrible plot.
If that great movie have a good message for the society and is a family movie then it will be a stand out
I believe emotional connection. People look to art to provide an emotional escape or embrace - as times change we look for something different in art.
I believe emotional connection. People look to art to provide an emotional escape or embrace - as times change we look for something different in art.
True, if the emotions of the characters are able to get through to the viewers, then it's indeed a great movie.
A great movie stands out when it captures deep emotions, tells a compelling story, and leaves a lasting impression that lingers in your thoughts long after it ends.
A great movie stands out when it captures deep emotions, tells a compelling story, and leaves a lasting impression that lingers in your thoughts long after it ends.
It depends on freequency how much you watch movies or period, because if you watch lot of them, the events are quite similar so do not expect having these impressions repeated across a lot of movies.
I feel if that movie happens to be a family movie and have a good message for the society then it will be a great and a stand out movie
What elements do you think will make movies great movies? As far as I am concerned, a great movie is actually a blend of compelling storytelling, engaging characters, and skilled direction that captivates audiences. Think about classics like "The Godfather" or contemporary hits like "Inception" – they all excel in these aspects. A great movie is also about great performance from the actors and an interesting presentation.
What makes a movie great is not really generic depends on the reviewer choice of movie
....but personally what makes a movie great for me is the Suspense and also costume matching the setting of the movie perfectly
I feel if that movie happens to be a family movie and have a good message for the society then it will be a great and a stand out movie
Some movies are intended for family watch and doesn't contain bad sequences.
For me, characterisation is the major thing that makes a great movie. The characters have to be real so much that the audience can relate with them. Not some made up characters.
For me, characterisation is the major thing that makes a great movie. The characters have to be real so much that the audience can relate with them. Not some made up characters.
At least they need to be something near to the reality because a lot of characters could take something that doesn't happens on the real world.
Some movies are intended for family watch and doesn't contain bad sequences.
Yes that's true, i have watched a lot of movies that are family friendly. Then there are some films that I will never try watching with my family or younger one.