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What is one food you could eat daily and not tire of?



Sep 23, 2023
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We all have that one food that we enjoy eating, we may not eat it too often but it's one that when we eat it, we enjoy it. The question is, would that be a food you could eat daily and never tire of?

I believe I would be able to eat seafood pizza daily and not tire of it, the taste is amazing and I don't eat it often so I feel eating it daily would be a reward!
Seems like an easy question but I'm finding it hard to come up with an answer! Can't think of food right now, but the one drink I can do all day, every day is orange juice. 🍊
I have never been selective of any food right from my childhood. This was according to my mother. She told me that whatever was given to me to eat, I do not waste time in finishing them immediately. I grew up the same way with food. I can eat anything any day without being tired of it. It can be rice, mashed potatoes, tofu or any other food.
For me, there's none actually because I easily get bored if I have the same food again and again every day. We have a lot of variety in food here so that saves me from getting bored having the same food every day even if it is my favorite thing to eat.
Noodles. I love noodles as it's a simple meal and tasty.
Can't go wrong with a bowl of noodles.
Then food that I am going to feel comfortable eating every day without feeling tired of eating it must be rice stew and chicken. That is the food that I grew up eating every Sunday and it was quite popular here. Also, when the chicken is fried, it bring a different taste than the one that is cooked as pepper soup.
Then food that I am going to feel comfortable eating every day without feeling tired of eating it must be rice stew and chicken. That is the food that I grew up eating every Sunday and it was quite popular here. Also, when the chicken is fried, it bring a different taste than the one that is cooked as pepper soup.
I was thinking it was only in my part of the world that rice, stew and any kind of meat or fish is like a culture food on Sundays. More than 90 percent of families in my neighbourhood all cook rice and stew on Sunday. Although, I would not be willing to eat rice every day because it's too light for my liking.
I think many people will answer that it is junky food, because it is harmful, so no one will eat it so often, but if it was possible for one day, I would definitely eat it endlessly. I also like pilaf from ordinary dishes if it is prepared correctly
I think many people will answer that it is junky food, because it is harmful, so no one will eat it so often, but if it was possible for one day, I would definitely eat it endlessly. I also like pilaf from ordinary dishes if it is prepared correctly
Do you know that I was able to find out from experience that eating junk food can be addicting like how using drugs and alcohol can be as well? Once someone becomes so used to eating junk foods, it nearly impossible for the person to stop. Before I started cooking my own food, I was battling with that challenge for a long time.
I can eat fried rice and chicken as my only meal for three months without getting tired. I just loved the food from when I was small and have been craving it till this time that I am an adult.
Pasta! I really love it especially if it was garnished the way I want. I can eat it continuously for days and even weeks. Whenever there's a question of what to cook at home everyone already know my opinion is pasta. That's how much I love it.
I can eat potatoes and rice daily without feeling tired of these.
If I could eat one food daily without ever growing tired of it, it would have to be pizza. There's just something incredibly satisfying and comforting about biting into a perfectly crafted pizza. The combination of crispy yet chewy crust, tangy tomato sauce, gooey melted cheese, and your choice of delicious toppings is pure bliss. From breakfast pizzas to dessert pizzas and everything in between, I could happily eat pizza for every meal.
It's rice and curd for me which I can eat all day , all week and Month
There is no such food that I can have daily and does not feel tired of it.
Though cake is mainly a junk food, but if there is one thing I could eat all day, it would definitely be cake. I love eating cake so so much
Potatoes, spinach, cottage cheese and Basmati rice which I can have daily and even chapattis which we always have daily and does not get tired of these
Hmm..egg, rice, chapattis made from wheat floor. There are lots of other things that I don't remember. Definitely, I like milk, and I cannot stay without having at least a glass of milk every day. I know that may look weird, but that is the truth.
I eat broccoli and cheese potato patties as often as I can get them.
Egg sauce is one thing I can never get tied of, it could be egg sauce and rice or with bread, with yam and even with plantains.