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What is implication of artificial intelligence onhealthcare?


Off The Mark

Mar 19, 2024
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The artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionalize the healthcare industry but it is very important to discuss the implication of the artificial intelligence on medical decisions. It is interesting to dive deeper into the topic and I would like to see members contribute to the topic. We all know that artificial intelligence powered medical diagnosis works more effectively
I think Artificial intelligence is going to bring a lot of goodies to the health care system.

For sure, you will now get better health care with artificial intelligence making it easier to diagnose illnesses and all of that.
While artificial intelligence might be able to contribute positively to the healthcare, I still believe that the doctors and nurses should be left to do their job in this regard. There's only so much a machine can do after all.
In my opinion, it will not happen soon because no one wants to be an experiment for such a thing and it needs to be developed because even the smallest mistake can cost a person his life. I think that artificial intelligence can only be an advisor, but it cannot perform certain actions
I hear they have designed AI tools that wil not only diagnose diseases but even recmmend medication. I even hear they have designed AI tools that will perform surgery. AI will revolutionize health-care

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