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What do you find hard to accept about yourself



Mar 4, 2024
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Why it is important we love and accept everything about ourselves, there are times where there might be certain things we would want to change about ourselves or things we do not like. For me it is my weight, I came from a family where both my father's side and my mother's side have fat. Due to this am ait bit chubby and easily get fat. while there are does who are okay with this, i am always cautious about my weight, making sure i don't exceed a certain limit and at the same time doing workouts.
I find it hard to admit that I have a cold heart, but I must. I am mechanical as opposed to emotional. I can be ruthless and very harsh. I am what I am.
I find it hard to admit that I have a cold heart, but I must. I am mechanical as opposed to emotional. I can be ruthless and very harsh. I am what I am.
Hmmm, have you ever thought about trying to change this aspect about you? Or has this affected you in any way before?
Hmmm, have you ever thought about trying to change this aspect about you? Or has this affected you in any way before?
I decided not to try and change myself. I believe that I can be happier by accepting myself as I am.
I decided not to try and change myself. I believe that I can be happier by accepting myself as I am.
Wow, am surprised though, but as long as you are happy and doing fine with this choice, then I guess it's a good thing, and I believe it's still possible for things to change in the future.
Your case is the exact opposite of mine. I'm thin, have a small frame and I look too young for my age. People find it hard to believe I'm almost 30. No matter what I eat it just doesn't show on my body. I don't actually wish to gain weight, but I don't want people thinking I'm a small person because of my stature.
I accept all my problems because I'm human but if it's a problem that depends on me like weight then I can easily solve it and it won't bother me but if it's something I can't solve then what's the point of worrying about it
I accept all my problems because I'm human but if it's a problem that depends on me like weight then I can easily solve it and it won't bother me but if it's something I can't solve then what's the point of worrying about it
Truly there's no point in worrying about something that you cannot change. We do well to leave it for nature to take it's course. But when it comes to those we can solve, we put our best to it.
One thing I obviously find hard to accept about myself is that I am slowly getting fatter. People are telling me to watch it but I am giving myself false consolations that I am just healthy.
I am not flexible in my views and of rigid personality and am always short of patience so I have accepted these things about my personality and need to work on these
One thing I obviously find hard to accept about myself is that I am slowly getting fatter. People are telling me to watch it but I am giving myself false consolations that I am just healthy.
Maybe it will be best to tone down on the kinds of food you eat. Do some exercises every now and then, even better if you can hit the gym and turn those fats into muscles!
Patience.. I don't get angry, even over things I should be. This is one of the reasons why people take me so lightly; they say what they want to because they know I won't resist or say anything in reply.
That's nice though, I easily get tired and irritated over certain things. I am trying my best to change though and there have actually been some changes.
That's good for you. We should analyze ourselves timely and try to bring about some change in ourselves for good.

I understand getting irritated by small issues is not good, and we should try to control ourselves. Are you using some technique for the same?
Not really though I just tend to take my time before making any decisions, then I also pray about it from time to time.
Most people are pure hypocritical crap. What they say and what they do are two different things. Why should I seek to improve myself for them? They are not worthy of the time and effort that it would take. I am an aggressive, insensitive jerk except to my inner circle. All the rest can go to hell in a hand basket for all I care. :devilish:
Most people are pure hypocritical crap. What they say and what they do are two different things. Why should I seek to improve myself for them? They are not worthy of the time and effort that it would take. I am an aggressive, insensitive jerk except to my inner circle. All the rest can go to hell in a hand basket for all I care. :devilish:

You don't need to change for others. You need to improve yourself for your betterment. I also believe that why should I change for others? I don't expect others to change for me. If I don't like their attitude, either I have to accept them as they are or leave them.
The truth of the matter is that you can never please everyone. No matter what you do, there are people who would always complain or find faults.
The fact that at my age I still don't know the bearing of my life yet. I feel like I have not gotten my life together, and that is not what I told things will be like when I was younger.
Life can be tricky.