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Active Contributor

Nov 4, 2023
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Who plays it or has played it? What position? We're there any notable wins or near-wins?

Who keeps up with soccer? What teams do you like? Do they have a good chance this year?
It's football we call it not soccer. I'm not living in USA 😂. I've played very actively when I was a teenager but not so much as an adult. My favorite position is on the both flanks.
I don't have the cardio to play football but I enjoy watching it whenever I have the opportunity to. I've been following EPL and La Liga for years. They are the best league.
I played college football back in the days. It was a very physical and energy consuming sports. To run to and down the pitch 90 minutes isn't a joke. I'm not going to talk about injuries I sustained from playing.
I don't play soccer at the moment. I used to play as a left back before I had an injury that made things worse for me and I stopped playing. Nowadays, I enjoy being a fan and watching the games that Manchester United play on a weekly basis.
I only play football on weekends especially on Sundays after I'm back from church. There is a small field where some people come to run around in neighbourhood, it's where I normally go to play.
I don't mind playing football whenever I'm going to be playing with my friends because I know they are not going to playing too aggressive with me. I hate being hurt or injured from playing football. It's why I don't play often with random people because some people take playing football too serious that they will injure you in the process.
I don't mind playing football whenever I'm going to be playing with my friends because I know they are not going to playing too aggressive with me. I hate being hurt or injured from playing football. It's why I don't play often with random people because some people take playing football too serious that they will injure you in the process.

I have also stopped playing with strangers on the street after I got a career ending injury. I should be somewhere in Manchester United playing football, but it is obvious that it is not working the way since the injury. I now play with my lovely friends and family members who understood my struggles.
I have also stopped playing with strangers on the street after I got a career ending injury. I should be somewhere in Manchester United playing football, but it is obvious that it is not working the way since the injury. I now play with my lovely friends and family members who understood my struggles.
There are those who play friendly football with so much anger and hate. They are the ones who will play to harm and cause another player a serious injury without thinking about how it will affect the person. I would rather stay with myself being healthy and not play in this kind of situation.
There are those who play friendly football with so much anger and hate. They are the ones who will play to harm and cause another player a serious injury without thinking about how it will affect the person. I would rather stay with myself being healthy and not play in this kind of situation.

It's sports and not war. I wonder why some people play football in this way. There's nothing enjoyable in playing football this way.
It's sports and not war. I wonder why some people play football in this way. There's nothing enjoyable in playing football this way.
Anyone whom have been injured while playing football or being into any kind of sports wool know how painful it is for you to be sidelined for months. It can make someone depressed to some extent. It's why when the football is going to direction of what's going to leave one hurt, I will stop playing.
As a kid I played soccer. I wanted to play forward but the coach always put me in the goal post. I was so frustrated that I stopped playing. I have not played in ages. However, I do like to watch it on TV. By the way we don't call it soccer here, we call it football. I always wonder why Americans call it soccer when the rest of the world calls it football.
I have been in the football stadium to watch football seveval times and I have also equally watched plenty of football matches at home. I can tell you that they both doesn't feel the same way. If I can have it my way, I would watch all the football matches I want live in the stadium but this is not possible in any way.
I love this sport because my parents always loved the game of football and watched the matches on TV. I also played as a child, but because I'm a girl, the boys didn't want to take me to their team. Therefore, I am not a very good player, but sometimes I also watch matches on TV
I have played football before, but that was a very long time ago. I don't think I would be able to play it again right now 😂. Am not a football fan though so I don't really keep up with the latest happenings.
We call it foot ball and I like watching football. However I have never been interested in playing the game. I watch football whenever there is a good match on TV.
I'm a huge soccer fan and try to keep up with all the major leagues. As a Liverpool supporter, this season has been tough to watch after their brilliant campaigns in recent years. That said, they're still in the hunt for a top 4 Premier League finish. In terms of my other favorites, I'm really excited about Manchester City's chances in the Champions League semifinals against Real Madrid.
Of course I love soccer and I love to play it very well. My favorite position is left back because my left foot is stronger than my right foot. And I try much as possible not to let any opposition winger pass me by!

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