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My favorite Sunday Food

At least chick peas are always available in your location. Your farmers there always have good produce. It might be your main vegetable there. I think we can plant chick peas like how we plant the mongo beans. I also cannot find mongo beans here, dunno why.
I am not sure how they plant or how its done LOL but these are easily available and are my favorite since my childhood
The seeds of the chickpeas are green meaning, it takes months to turn them into yellow good to plant them when the color is golden brown. I may Google search on how to plant chickpeas. I want to know if it is possible to plant them in pots.
I did took my favorite Sunday meal yesterday and enjoyed it too and being a Sunday it gives you the advantage to eat more too LOL
Yesterday, I was not able to eat my favorite food, It was the birthday of my sister and she ordered food in Jollibee so I was also happy to shift to another menu like chicken joy and beef burger. I also like eating the crispy French pries, the saucy spaghetti and the icy cold pineapple juice. What a day it was.
That's great too, Glad you enjoyed and a very happy belated birthday to your sister, I hope you enjoyed your sunday
That's great too, Glad you enjoyed and a very happy belated birthday to your sister, I hope you enjoyed your sunday
Thank you so much. I already told my sister that she received a birthday greeting from India. Her ears cannot believe 😁. I let her read and she smiled happily. She said thank you for the birthday greetings.
On a Sunday that my girlfriend comes around, we do some good pounded yam and white soup to eat. It is a local meal that is actually ceremonial and very delicious.
I many times prefer to order my brunch from outside from my favorite restaurant too and mostly its the only meal that I take on Sundays or a very light dinner after that
This coming Sunday, my sister will prepare grilled fish tuna belly one kilo and chicken half a kilo. We will have two visitors. This will be for dinner once I get home from my business in the mall. I will buy red wine for our visitors.
I am not sure if we will have any visitors but most of the times we get them and they are mostly uninvited so lets hope for the best
I don't like uninvited visitors. We will be on panic on what to prepare especially if it is a lunch time. We are all busy at work. One time, I ordered in Jolibee to ease the worries of my sister. I ordered 1 dozen chicken legs, 10 pieces burger and spaghetti.
I dislike that too but what to do if they are at the door and have come invited and only called when they are just 5 mins away from us
If it is part of your culture to include the visitors in your meal time then they should eat whatever is served. You can offer canned goods or noddles mixed with vegetables. That satisfies hunger. Much better if they will bring their own food, lol.
LOL I haven't seen anyone that brings food and my guests mostly want Cottage cheese and Basmati Rice and some even ask for Non veg but since we are vegetarian so we don't offer that
Nah, when I was in New Zealand, my cousin bought a Basmati rice imported from Thailand. Do you mean to say your country is also producing such kind of rice? It's a sticky rice and so tasty and delicious too.
LOL We are the major exporters of Basmati Rice and my place Punjab is World famous for the export of basmati Rice and I love these too
Wow, can I order a Basmati rice in your country. It does not reach in my country. The rice here are imported from Vietnam.The brand is Young Chow sticky lacks taste unlike the Basmati rice super yummy and tasty. I can eat it with ripe banana only lol.
haha, I am not sure but yes you can order from here but the price will be high as these websites do sell at a very high price or you can come to my house some day
I will Google search. There might be a contact seller here in the Philippines. I will try to message Shopee or Lazada if they are selling Basmati rice online.I also agree with you that the price may purge my wallet lol.