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News Japan’s births just fell to a new record low. Tokyo hopes a dating app can turn that around

I guess we can say that it goes both ways. Overpopulation can be a big asset to the country, but it can also be a problem too.
Very true! India is a good example for that. Our young population is a big asset too. It provides a very resourceful employees to not only India but across the globe. We run Global economy by being the biggest consumer market. Our huge population is enough to sustain our local brands and boost the economy of our country. And a young population comes up with innovations and business start ups.
Very true! India is a good example for that. Our young population is a big asset too. It provides a very resourceful employees to not only India but across the globe. We run Global economy by being the biggest consumer market. Our huge population is enough to sustain our local brands and boost the economy of our country. And a young population comes up with innovations and business start ups.
I believe that you are very correct. A big population fosters successful business outings. Because the population is large over there in India, it is easy to start up a business and get patronage which makes a business to thrive.
Very true..and at times your problem or burden might be your greatest asset. For example, in India,the population is a big problem and a cause of many other problems. But at the same time, it is the biggest asset too. It's a huge resource for the country, a big workforce. And with a huge population of youth, it comes with it's own set of advantage. In Japan, most of the population ratio is moving towards elderly population.
Makes sense, I guess it also boils down to how you see or view things. What others might see as only a problem, you can find ways to turn it into a positive force for you.
@eLdavis . Actually the sudden economic growth in India, bringing it to the fifth largest economy in the world can be attributed to the huge young population here. But then if there is a problem that is even at lower scale, it would be huge. For example, consider that two percent of people are homeless. On ground it might come to a huge number and maybe equal to the entire population of a small nation in Europe. So, it's a big number despite low percentage and not easy to be handled.
@eLdavis . Actually the sudden economic growth in India, bringing it to the fifth largest economy in the world can be attributed to the huge young population here. But then if there is a problem that is even at lower scale, it would be huge. For example, consider that two percent of people are homeless. On ground it might come to a huge number and maybe equal to the entire population of a small nation in Europe. So, it's a big number despite low percentage and not easy to be handled.
Truly a low percentage can be very high number compared to countries of smaller population. 2% of India population is far greater than 2% of Belgium population.
I actually agree with India on that, Sanjeev. The only reason I would ever have married is if I had wanted a child or children.

I understand, not everyone like to have kids, some people don't want to burden themselves from the extra responsibilty.
I understand, not everyone like to have kids, some people don't want to burden themselves from the extra responsibilty.
Kids are extra responsibility quite alright, but I would not mind taking up those responsibilities!
@eLdavis . Actually the sudden economic growth in India, bringing it to the fifth largest economy in the world can be attributed to the huge young population here. But then if there is a problem that is even at lower scale, it would be huge. For example, consider that two percent of people are homeless. On ground it might come to a huge number and maybe equal to the entire population of a small nation in Europe. So, it's a big number despite low percentage and not easy to be handled.
Oh oh, yes now I understand. It's well though, do you think a permanent solution will ever be found?
Kids are extra responsibility quite alright, but I would not mind taking up those responsibilities!

But there are people who don't have time, money to take up the added responsibilities. I know lots of such people here.
Even in my country, I know lots of people like that as well. In most cases I think that is the major issue here.
But here in India the number of such people is less. Most of the elderly people think that a couple should have kids once they're married.
But here in India the number of such people is less. Most of the elderly people think that a couple should have kids once they're married.
Normally after marriage, the next thing people expect is to start seeing kids in the next few years, and some even when they are not prepared mentally rush into it. While there are others who wait.
Oh oh, yes now I understand. It's well though, do you think a permanent solution will ever be found?
It's a vibrant democracy. And that comes with it's own cons. Nothing can be imposed. The current government is mulling over bringing a Population Control bill. But that's going to be tricky and would be opposed by many in name of religion and opposition as usual playing politics. Had it been a communist like China, this might have been easier. But then nothing is better than a vibrant democracy.
Normally after marriage, the next thing people expect is to start seeing kids in the next few years, and some even when they are not prepared mentally rush into it. While there are others who wait.
A decision like that should be solely based on the couples choice. Some choose to wait because they don't have the financial capacity to to take care of a child yet.
Yes in the end the couple has to be the ones to make the choir, but the thing is not everyone see it that way. The parents might even be the ones disturbing for grand children.
It's a vibrant democracy. And that comes with it's own cons. Nothing can be imposed. The current government is mulling over bringing a Population Control bill. But that's going to be tricky and would be opposed by many in name of religion and opposition as usual playing politics. Had it been a communist like China, this might have been easier. But then nothing is better than a vibrant democracy.

That's true! It would have been implemented in the time of Sanjay Gandhi if India were a communist country.
Yes in the end the couple has to be the ones to make the choir, but the thing is not everyone see it that way. The parents might even be the ones disturbing for grand children.
Of course, it is all too common for parents of the couples to start pestering them to have children so that they will be able to carry their own grandchildren. But that kind of pressure is unwarranted, leave the choice for the couples to make.
Yes the pressure is usually high if it's an only child of the parents. That's when the parents will start disturbing them.
Yes the pressure is usually high if it's an only child of the parents. That's when the parents will start disturbing them.

Do you also have the same society where people force you to get married and have kids?
Do you also have the same society where people force you to get married and have kids?
I won't really say it's forced but a lot of us are being pressured. We are in a society where if you are not married at a certain age, you are being pressured to, if you do not have kids in marriage, you are also being pressured to.