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How many languages do you speak?


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Sep 23, 2023
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How many languages do you speak and which ones? How did you learn them? Do you want to learn more?

I can speak 2 languages fluently: English and Urdu. I’ve lived in England for almost the entirety of my life so it doesn’t really need explaining how I learnt it and Urdu is my mother tongue, which I learnt from my parents. I can also read Arabic (I don’t understand it though) and a little bit of French, which I learnt in school.
I didn't learn any think at school and I can speak 4 languages Albanian, English, Norwegian and Greek! Also want to learn Japanese.
Now, if we are going to look by countries, I speak 5. But Bosnian, Croatian, and montenegro languages are very understandable to me, even though different countries. If we don't count those countries, I speak 2 languages, Serbian and English.
Just the one, that's English and in fact I'm not even good at my own language haha - I mean how many people aren't anyway?
Just the one, that's English and in fact I'm not even good at my own language haha - I mean how many people aren't anyway?
I’m the same way
Only English, sadly.

It would be nice to learn another language, but unfortunately, I suspect I'd end up never using it. I find it hard enough to communicate in my native language, without all the additional pressures that a foreign language brings!
English language for obvious reasons. I can also speak Spanish and a little French. I'm learning how to speak French using the Duolingo app. It's been very helpful.
I'm from Africa and a native of Igbo tribe. My mother's tongue is Igbo language. I learnt English language from school and Yoruba language which is another african tribe's language in my country.
6. English, Irish, Gaelic, French, Spanish and Italian. Am currently learning Swedish.
I only speak English. I taught myself Sign Language. I took 4 years of Spanish in High School. I’ve also dabbled in Japanese, Mandarin, & Korean. I find words fascinating & the history & cultures are even more so.
Some people have a knack for learning & can pick up languages (snaps fingers) just like that!
I speak 3 languages fluently - English, Hindi and Bengali. I learnt them during my school time. Right now, I'm looking forward to learn another foreign language, probably Spanish or Korean.
I speak 3 languages fluently - English, Hindi and Bengali. I learnt them during my school time. Right now, I'm looking forward to learn another foreign language, probably Spanish or Korean.
I'd love to learn Spanish one day but I'm too lazy.
Sadly none..apart from English. I spent three years lear ing French at school..cant speak a word of it. I am trying to learn German amongst others via audible.
Unfortunately, it's only English at the moment but I'm learning French and Spanish. When I'm satisfied with my progress on both of them, I'll will learn Korea language.
I speak English as I live in the United States, Spanish as both my parents are Spanish and basic American Sign Language as I have Deaf family members.
English language is the one and only language I know. I've tried learning other languages especially Spanish but I couldn't because of how difficult the pronunciation of their vocabularies was.
Some of my languages which I know how to speak fluently and write very well are ;

English language
It's only English language I've spoken all my life. I've not bothered with trying to learn another language because I'm certain I wouldn't be needing it.
Sadly none..apart from English. I spent three years lear ing French at school..cant speak a word of it. I am trying to learn German amongst others via audible.
I'm not sure if you have heard about the Duolingo application? It's what I have been making use of to learn French which have been very helpful. I can speak French very well now since I started using the app to study for 8 months. I'm not sure how good audible is for learning other languages.
Some of my languages which I know how to speak fluently and write very well are ;

English language
Chinese is no longer a mysterious language as before as with 5 minutes every day to maintain your Duolingo streak, you could learn han yu every day. Also, German language is reputable as horen and sprechen because everyone needs contract of work in Germany. As the reputable want of people: Ich werde nach Deutschland fliegen. Korean and Latin are a little hard.