Discussion Hub

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How many languages do you speak?

Chinese is no longer a mysterious language as before as with 5 minutes every day to maintain your Duolingo streak, you could learn han yu every day. Also, German language is reputable as horen and sprechen because everyone needs contract of work in Germany. As the reputable want of people: Ich werde nach Deutschland fliegen. Korean and Latin are a little hard.
There are some languages which are more difficult than the others but what I know is that it's your determination and commitment to learning any language that will make it feasible for you to learn and understand it more quickly than someone who is not dedicated to learning.
I can't speak many languages, but I can understand. I speak English, which I started learning at school and I am very glad that the school curriculum was designed like this. I can understand Polish and Italian, but I can't speak it yet
Even though English is not my first language, I have been able to master it very well. I can understand English language from any accent in the world. There are some people who can't hear what a Brit person is saying because of how their accent make their English sound.
I can speak 3 languages, I am fluent in two and have basic communication with the third one. One of the languages I speak is international language. I also use it for my work. Well, I m referring to English. Another language that I use is my mother tongue and the national language of my home country
Sadly I speak just one language, while in school I was able to learn a little bit of French since I schooled in a French speaking country but that was a long time ago, I can't even remember the little I know.
I speak 2 languages very fluently. I even wished that I understand more because there are hundreds of languages spoken in my country, but I don't have a natural ear for languages.
Ich spreche und verstehe Deutsche. Both of my so called parents are of German background, so grew up listening to them speak German. My German is at a 5 year old level, but it is what it is.
I'm fairly multilingual, though I wouldn't consider myself fluent in more than a couple languages which is Urdu and english. My native language is urdu, which I speak proficiently.
I have never been interested in learning new languages because it means a lot to me. However, I decided to learn English because it is an international language and I never know when I will need it. That's why now I only know English and my native language
I speak just two languages fluently. My native language and English. I do a little bit of Ashanti language of Ghana. I am very bad with languages despite the fact that I have travelled far and wide to stay in some places.
I just tends to speak just three languages fluently Hausa, English and my native language but my native language tend to difficult for me to learn
I can speak English. It is the main medium of instruction in the classroom. I can also speak Spanish. I learned Spanish in the university. It's an additional subject I enrolled just to learn. I can also speak French. I was hired to reach French for caregiver students and the pay was great. I always listen to audios and watch videos. French language is hard to learn and teach. I am teaching university Physics.
I can speak English and Hindi. My mother tongue is Hindi, and I am not that expert in speaking English. I am eager to learn foreign languages like Japanese, German, French, and Spanish, but I hardly get time these days. I know it takes lots of hard work and practice to learn any other language.
I can write, speak and understand 2 languages, English and Hindi and in India both these languages are most popular and important to learn.