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How many kids do you want?

I will be 50 in October and I have a daughter and a 6-year-old grandson and that all the kids that I need. My grandson has the energy of 20 kids lol. He is so hyper that he makes the energizer bunny look like it has dead batteries lol.
I'm always stuck in-between 3 and 4 but maybe my partner will help me decide. We'll see.. I love kids very much
According to my point of view and my country point of view, the childrens should be not more then 3. if you have 3 kids then you can easily fulfil their desires and fulfil their ambitions easily
According to my point of view and my country point of view, the childrens should be not more then 3. if you have 3 kids then you can easily fulfil their desires and fulfil their ambitions easily

Which country are you from? We are overpopulated in India, so our government also wants to have less than two kids. These days, no couple has more than two kids. A new generation is changing now. Unlike many countries, we don't get incentives to have more kids.
I can't say the exact figure for now, but what I know is that I don't want too many kids. How am I going to feed them?
I have three kids already and I do not have intentions to make babies again. honestly, raising kids is very stressful and it's not an easy task at all.
Yes that's true. Am not married yet so I don't have kids but when my little nieces and nephews are around, I know the amount of stress I go through, so I can only imagine what the parents are going through. It's not an easy task indeed.
I can't say the exact figure for now, but what I know is that I don't want too many kids. How am I going to feed them?
Truly one should apply some sense when it comes to the number of kids they want to have. As the number increases, so will the responsibility
I guess 1-2 is fine looking at the expenses and inflation and we all prefer to provide the best for our kids so 1-2 is more than enough
4 kids will not be bad for me. My parents had 7 kids, but I'm not getting to those numbers, lol.
My parents have four kids, but I never thought of more than two kids because it's hard to nurture them these days as things are expensive, especially education. I wonder how my parents were able to do that.
My parents have four kids, but I never thought of more than two kids because it's hard to nurture them these days as things are expensive, especially education. I wonder how my parents were able to do that.
That's thoughtful of you. The lesser the number of kids, the easier it will be to take care of them, emotionally and materially.
None! I have never had a desire to be a mother. When I was 10 years old my mother had my brother and as long as I remember I have always had to take care of him one way or another. During the summer months when mom was working, I was the baby sitter. My mother never learned how to drive so once I was old enough I got myself a car and it was my responsibility to drive my brother to all his appointments, school related activities, etc. I too was worried sick whenever he came home late at night, or got into fights in the neighborhood, long story short, I never wanted to have my own child! The experience of helping my mom raise my little brother was enough for me. Not to mention that this world can be a scary place sometimes. I like my freedom and peace of mind too much to bring a child to this world.
If I can afford, two kids, one boy and another girl, would be really nice, but if I cannot afford, I might not even have a kid at all. But for a normal financial condition I would have one kid.
None! I have never had a desire to be a mother. When I was 10 years old my mother had my brother and as long as I remember I have always had to take care of him one way or another. During the summer months when mom was working, I was the baby sitter. My mother never learned how to drive so once I was old enough I got myself a car and it was my responsibility to drive my brother to all his appointments, school related activities, etc. I too was worried sick whenever he came home late at night, or got into fights in the neighborhood, long story short, I never wanted to have my own child! The experience of helping my mom raise my little brother was enough for me. Not to mention that this world can be a scary place sometimes. I like my freedom and peace of mind too much to bring a child to this world.
Oh wow, that's a reason gone so deep. So you don't want a repeat of the experience you had with your brother? Fair enough, though I wouldn't use it as a yardstick to measure all scenarios. Who knows, you might not find it as daunting as before.
I have two daughters, 20 years and 17 years now. We wanted to have one child. My second child was not planned. But we are happy that we had her. She is like a blessing and makes our family complete.
@zoldos . What @King Belieal means that you would start feeling the pressure from family and society after few years of your marriage. I think that this is very common with most Asian countries. It's very common in India. But these days, the trend is coming down. Educated urban population is more focused on their career and lifestyle than rearing a family under pressure. Socio economic conditions are changing and so are such expectations coming down.
What country is that? Remind me to not move there.

I don't like little kids. Don't want any.
Why don't you like kids though? Is there a specific reason or do you just don't have any interest in them.
What country is that? Remind me to not move there.

I don't like little kids. Don't want any.

Why don't you like kids?

Yes, in many countries youngsters are asked to marry and have kids compulsorily. We also have that mindset of people here. You can't stay unmarried and have kids.