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How many cups of tea do you drink daily?


Off The Mark

Mar 18, 2024
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Tea has always been my go-to beverage, especially green tea, matcha green tea, and black tea. I absolutely love it and can't imagine a day without it. My affinity for tea is such that I can easily consume more than 5 cups of it daily. But it is not just a normal habit, it is a good one! Tea is loaded with several health benefits. It has antioxidant properties that help eliminate free radicals in the body. In addition, it helps in improving mental and heart health, boosts the immune system, and keeps me hydrated throughout the day. I am curious: how many cups of tea do you usually drink in a day?
If I had to give a rough idea of how many cups of tea I drink in a day, I would say about 5 - 6 but some days it can be less.

I do need to start drinking more water in place of some of the cups of tea I drink through the day as I know that would be healthier for me in the long run.
I don't do more than one cup of tea daily. And that is only in the morning. That's what I take as breakfast most of the days with eggs and bread. I don't need to do teas again in the course of the days because I always have hectic schedules and it requires staple food for me to thrive.
I used to be a tea addict but now I am happy with just one mug - 250 ml. No early morning tea but just at breakfast time
I make sure to take one cup of tea very early in the morning. it has become a daily routine for me because I like tea a lot. We made it a daily routine in my family because my kids like tea.
Tea has always been my go-to beverage, especially green tea, matcha green tea, and black tea. I absolutely love it and can't imagine a day without it. My affinity for tea is such that I can easily consume more than 5 cups of it daily. But it is not just a normal habit, it is a good one! Tea is loaded with several health benefits. It has antioxidant properties that help eliminate free radicals in the body. In addition, it helps in improving mental and heart health, boosts the immune system, and keeps me hydrated throughout the day. I am curious: how many cups of tea do you usually drink in a day?
I don't drink more than 3 cups of tea on a daily basis. The reason is because I wouldn't want to get used to drinking tea on a regular basis.
I like Green tea and always have two cups in a day. One during the day and another after my dinner.
I seldom drink tea. I only drink milk. I don't like the taste of tea. I stop drinking coffee. I do not want sugar to be the boss of my body.
I do not have a fixed percentage and there are days when I don't even have a cup of tea.
I probably drink around three cups of tea daily on average. In the morning, I almost always have a strong breakfast tea like an English Breakfast or Assam black tea. After lunch, I'll often brew a lighter green tea or oolong. And in the evening, I wind down with a soothing herbal tisane like chamomile or mint. Tea has become such a comforting ritual for me throughout the day. Of course, some days I drink more or less depending on my schedule and cravings. But several quality cups daily is my norm.
I rarely drink tea, even when I do it is just one cup. Tea usually makes me sleepy and I don't want that cause I won't be able to carry out the works I have on ground.
I prefer to have at least 2-3 cups in day and its summer time now so in winters it can go up to 4-5 cups but its not good so I am also trying to limit my tea intake
I like to have three to four cups of tea every day. You cannot say that I'm addicted to it just because I don't crave it when I don't have a cup of tea daily. I have seen lots of people who are extremely that depend on it and drink ten cups daily.
These days my daily count is 3 cups a day and that also depends upon the weather and how I feel on that particular day.
Tea has always been my go-to beverage, especially green tea, matcha green tea, and black tea. I absolutely love it and can't imagine a day without it. My affinity for tea is such that I can easily consume more than 5 cups of it daily. But it is not just a normal habit, it is a good one! Tea is loaded with several health benefits. It has antioxidant properties that help eliminate free radicals in the body. In addition, it helps in improving mental and heart health, boosts the immune system, and keeps me hydrated throughout the day. I am curious: how many cups of tea do you usually drink in a day?
Maybe it's about 10-12 cups
Earlier on it was 3-4 cups daily even in summers but these days I am taking only 1-2 cups in a day as its not good for health
You are doing good , drinking tea is an addiction and is not healthy so we should try to get rid of the same.
Its been more than a week since I took tea last. There have been times where it takes months before I even drink tea.