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How do you stay motivated to exercise regularly?



Oct 30, 2023
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You need to exercise regularly to reap the benefit of exercise. However, a lot of people fail to exercise regularly. Things like setting specific, achievable goals, varying your routine to keep it interesting, finding a workout buddy or joining a fitness class for accountability, rewarding yourself for reaching milestones, and focusing on the positive changes you see in your body and mood can motivate you to exercise regularly.
The hardest thing for me is to stay in the training mode because I get sick quite often. I have a weak immunity and if I sometimes overload myself after training and drink cold water or go outside, I suddenly get sick and for 2 weeks the training stops again, that's why it's so difficult for me to get in shape and continue regular training
Most people look for training partners who will always be there to make them never to give up. The reason why they go for a training partner is because when they are giving up, their training partner will be there to encourage them never to give up. This is how they stay motivated.
This is true and it is effective in my opinion for 80 percent because it is much easier and much more interesting together, but there are moments when both want to give up and in this case it is on the contrary worse because it is very difficult to give up such an idea because you both want it and no one will not stop
Just keep reminding yourself that each time you work out you are getting more fit and stronger. You are building up your immune system, increasing your energy level, getting more muscle mass, burning calories and getting leaner, boosting your hearts overall strength, tightening your ligaments and tendons, increasing your bone density, and becoming more flexible, and you are beginning to look better too.
The motivation should be that with exercising, you are giving yourself a greater chance to live a healthier life and an opportunity to beat diseases more easily. I believe that is more than enough motivation.
What motivates me is going to a gym outside instead of working out at home. If I stay home to workout, I might lose interest after a few minutes. But when I go to an outside gym, I see a lot of people working out and I wouldn't want to get left behind.
Staying motivated to exercise consistently is an ongoing challenge, but a few things help keep me on track. First, I try to find physical activities I genuinely enjoy, like hiking or playing sports, rather than just slogging away on a treadmill. But mostly, it's about focusing on how much better I feel mentally and physically when I'm active regularly.
I think it depends on why you started exercising in the first place. There are so many times I have felt like giving up, but what keeps me going is how good I feel now that I am working out and loosing weight, and the little confidence I am gaining as well. This has been my motivation to keep pushing.
Staying motivated to exercise regularly is a very challenging task but I would like to mention that finding activities that you enjoy and setting a realistic goals can be of great help because it will help to keep you on track.
Based on my perspective, it is important to remember that motivation comes from what you have within you and I have come to realize that tapping into your reasons for wanting to conduct different kinds of exercise can help to maintain the motivation that you need for the exercise session.
It is good to incorporate variety into your workout because you will have to keep things very interesting and it will also go a long way to prevent boredom. Trying out new activities can reignite your passion and it will also help to keep you motivated to exercise on a regular basis .
Accountability can play a very big role in sustaining motivation . Joining a fitness community can provide an encouragement to that you need to stay motivated and it will help you stay committed to your exercise routine as well.
It is important to set up small and achievable milestones along the way because this will help to keep track of your progress and it will also go a long way to help you stay motivated. Celebrating this smallest victory as you have achieved them can be one of the way to boost your confidence and keep you motivated.
From where I stand, I recognize that motivation would help to stay perfectly normal throughout the exercise process and when you are feeling less motivated, it is very much okay to take a break or to modify your workout to something that is easy to manage.
From where I stand, I recognize that motivation would help to stay perfectly normal throughout the exercise process and when you are feeling less motivated, it is very much okay to take a break or to modify your workout to something that is easy to manage.
Yes, like myself one way I tend to feel motivated is when I try out some of my old cloths that no longer fits and I find out that they now fit, it's a huge motivation for and it encourages me to keep pushing.
The only exercise I do now is gyming I gym everyday and I did not practice this in one day I practice or everyday until I was able to adapt to it
I know that exercising is very good to keep the body and soul in one shape and that is enough motivation for me most of the times. That is what makes me to use the best drills.
I no longer need motivation to train, at first I do, but it has already become a habit, seeing my improvement both physically and in health is my main fuel for training.
I no longer need motivation to train, at first I do, but it has already become a habit, seeing my improvement both physically and in health is my main fuel for training.
You have a point. When someone is just starting out on something, he will definitely need motivation to keep going. But as time goes on he gets used to doing that thing to the extent he does not need to be motivated anymore.