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How did you sleep last night?

I woke up late today as I had to go in the second shift at work. I am feeling relaxed and fresh now. For me , my body feels lethargic when I don't take sleep for at least 7-8 hours.
I woke up around three in the morning then went back to bed to wake up around four. From there I started doing certain things.
I must say that you work very hard. When do you go to sleep? I can't work if I don't get a sleep of at least 7-8 hours. I will feel sick if I don't get proper sleep at night.
It depends though, I normally sleep around 11pm but there are times where I do sleep around 12 or after 12 going towards one.
The annoying part is that most times it usually happens when you are actually about to enjoy the sleep.
The annoying part is that most times it usually happens when you are actually about to enjoy the sleep.

😀Indeed, I have to wake up in the middle of the night, at least since I have diabetes, but the best thing is that I usually fall asleep when I lie in bed. Possibly as a result of my fatigue from the job.
Oh wow, good to know you easily talk asleep.
I slept well last night and will hope to sleep well today also because last week I faced so many health related problems.
I slept well and even took a nap yesterday afternoon so it was all good sleep wise although I would have loved a longer sunday lol
I am feeling a bit under weather since the last evening. With cough and blocked nose, I couldn't sleep well. I slept till 7 in the morning. I just got up and got ready to leave for work. Husband had to take care of cooking breakfast and packing lunch
This does happen due to climatic changes and even I have cough but its not severe and I did felt like that few days ago but thankfully everything is ok at my end
I couldn't really sleep well this previous night, I had plans on doing some work at night, but they refused to bring the light. The I started having crazy dreams of fighting zombies and all that.
I slept like a baby last night. I went to sleep immediately it was 8:30pm and I didn't wake up till 6am. I don't used to sleep early but whenever I do, just know that I was very weak or I didn't have anything to scroll online.
Anytime I sleep early, I tend to wake up earlier as well. Most times I even wake up as early as 1am or 2am. I would have to force myself back to bed, only to wake up again.
I mostly sleep by 10 Pm and thankfully able to sleep for around 7 hours and I feel its good and perfect for the body
I slept early this time, if am not mistaken I slept around after 10 but as usual I still woke up multiple times during the night, not to mention another series of action dreams.