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How did you sleep last night?

I'm sorry to hear that you had a rough night with minimal sleep due to project work. Try to create a better schedule, and try to have better expectations.
Remember that your health and well-being are paramount, and it's okay to prioritize self-care, even when you have deadlines to meet.
One should always try to have at least 8 hours of sleep to be more active during the day and to have good health. It's wonderful to wake up feeling refreshed and energized after such a restful night. Keep up the good sleep habits!
I only get decent sleep on the weekends. Last night I got around 5.5 hours of sleep. I have a terrible time falling asleep and I wake up pretty early.
Terrible! I can fall asleep just fine but in the middle of the night I tend to wake up unable to breath. I have asthma and allergy to cats, and have 3 cats that like to sleep in the bed with us, not a good combination, I know. I sit up, use my rescue inhaler, which doesn't work right away so I sit there just waiting to breath better. Normally 20 minutes to 30 minutes before I'm able to go back to sleep.
@xboxfoxy I'm sorry for your Asthma attacks. Have you sought any help for that? That sounds challenging, especially having asthma and allergies while sharing your bed with cats. It must be frustrating to wake up in the middle of the night struggling to breathe.
Can you manage to change your sleep environment?

You can let the cats have the sofa in the living room and you keep the bed how about that?
@xboxfoxy I'm sorry for your Asthma attacks. Have you sought any help for that? That sounds challenging, especially having asthma and allergies while sharing your bed with cats. It must be frustrating to wake up in the middle of the night struggling to breathe.
Can you manage to change your sleep environment?

You can let the cats have the sofa in the living room and you keep the bed how about that?
I see a pulmonologist for my asthma and the first thing he suggested the first time we met was to give away my cats or at least minimize my contact wirh then.. clearly he doesn't understand the bond people develop with their pets! It's not gonna happen, I can't. The few times we left the cats out of the bedroom they cry to come in!!! 😢 so they have to sleep with us. I was told to see an allergist a while back as there are therapies to help desensitize cat allergies, so im gonna have to find the time to make an appointment.
I didn't sleep that good. I woke up due to a dream and it was too hot in my room, and had work issues on my mind so got up at 5 a.m. I got only 6.5 hours sleep.

Just as well I suppose as this is one of my days off and I have lots to do and get done.
I didn't manage to get a good sleep last night. I fought with my friend, and I was at their place. I wanted to leave terribly, I just couldn't manage to in the middle of the night. I wish I had a better night, we fought coz I had drunk a beer during the day.
I have a pretty good night's sleep because I have a routine that I follow and therefore I manage to fall asleep easily and wake up easily. Also, I have a very comfortable mattress, so I always sleep very well and my sleep is healthy
I could not sleep at all this past night, the weather is just so hot, and there is no light. I was just sweating all through.
I've been averaging 6.5 hours sleep lately. I do o.k. with that but am getting bags under my eyes, need to get more sleep.
I slept really well last night as the weather was so good and not hot
I actually didn't sleep very well last night unfortunately. I tossed and turned, struggling to get comfortable no matter what position I tried. Maybe it was the heat wave making my room too warm. Or perhaps I had too much caffeine too late in the day. Either way, I kept waking up throughout the night and felt pretty groggy this morning.
When you fall on your bread does it then become flatbread?;)
Oh that was actually a typographical error, why am I just seeing this now? I meant when I fall on my bed! But hey, you're absolutely right, if I fall on my bed then it becomes flatbread haha!
For some reason I slept a lot towards the evening yesterday and the same thing happened today again. Am guessing am just really exhausted this period and I didn't realize it yet.
Warmly I guess. Not the other day that I was finding it difficult to sleep. I had to stay to midnight before I could sleep
I had a good night's sleep yesterday. It was all because I was too tired yesterday and slept. I did not wake up at night, even for once. I know it's important for health. I had a good sleep, but I still woke up with a headache in the morning. It's been happening continuously these days.
I got only 6.5 hours sleep last night but did manage to have a 20 minute nap later on in the day.
Basically the same way I sleep every night. Not much difference, but I woke up this morning feeling hungry.