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Have you ever been bitten by a dog?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
Reaction score
I was never afraid of dogs in my youth, but until the moment when I was bitten by a dog that I had known for many years and he lived across the street from my house. He bit me when I was playing with a ball on my leg, but it was not a very serious wound. And you were bitten by a dog and where?
I have been bitten by a dog once. I was bitten on my ears and wrists. However, the wound was not bad and simple dressing was enough to cure it. I was bitten by our own dog. Well, it was not the poor animal's fault, I was playing with it and I made the animal uncomfortable by jugging it tight. The dog was vaccinated, so it was not a big deal
I've not been bitten hard by a dog but only those soft bite which your dog gives you when you're playing with them is what I've been bitten.
I was never afraid of dogs as an adult, but when I was 4 years old, I was bitten by a strange little dog while I was walking in the park by myself and I told my parents at the time, but the bite was not serious and I did not need to see a doctor. Although then I was afraid to walk alone without my parents for about a year
I was 11 years old and the dentist had a little chihuahua on a chain. I went to pet him and the thing jumped up and bit me drawing blood. The dentist had to mend my wound. Ever since then I have not liked dentists or small yappy dogs.
I've not been bitten hard by a dog but only those soft bite which your dog gives you when you're playing with them is what I've been bitten.
My brother had a case when he also played with a dog that was at my grandmother's in the village and they had fun at first, but then the dog didn't like something and she just bit his finger. I was still young then and I don't even remember the situation, but his injury was serious
I have never really gotten close to a dog to be beaten by one. My grandfather was a lover of dogs but I never got close to them. I just admire dogs from a distance. Most local breeds of dogs around me are not vaccinated and I wouldn't go anywhere near them to avoid stories.
I've been chased by dogs when I was a kid. I was scared to death. They were trying to play with me but I was thinking they're attacking me. I wasn't bitten though.
As far as I can remember, I have never been bitten by a dog before. Though this is something I really do not want to experience at all. I have been chased by a dog on several occasions before though.
I've been chased by dogs when I was a kid. I was scared to death. They were trying to play with me but I was thinking they're attacking me. I wasn't bitten though.
As a child, it was also difficult for me to understand if the dogs wanted to play because it was difficult for me then to distinguish whether they were happy or if they were showing their teeth to bite.
I went to a particular compound to see someone unknown to me that a German shepherd dog was resident there. The dog pounced on me and bit my hand. I just got the wound. There was no poison transferred because the dog was regularly treated to neutralize the poison.
As far as I can remember, I have never been bitten by a dog before. Though this is something I really do not want to experience at all. I have been chased by a dog on several occasions before though.
What could be worse than a dog bite is a rabid dog because it is very dangerous, we once had one in the city and he bit a person and she was barely saved and the dog was immediately euthanized
I haven't been bitten by any dog. I don't pet any dog which isn't my own even if the owner says I can pet the dog. I don't like leaving anything to risk and luck especially what I can't control.
I have never been bitten by a dog but being once pursue by a dog. The day was very terrible that if not a group of people passing by that day the dog would have bitten me because I already fall and the dog beside me already
I was never afraid of dogs in my youth, but until the moment when I was bitten by a dog that I had known for many years and he lived across the street from my house. He bit me when I was playing with a ball on my leg, but it was not a very serious wound. And you were bitten by a dog and where?
I have never been bitten by a dog and i don't like getting too close to dogs and this is not because I'm afraid of them , but I don't just like strange dogs coming closer..
I was never afraid of dogs in my youth, but until the moment when I was bitten by a dog that I had known for many years and he lived across the street from my house. He bit me when I was playing with a ball on my leg, but it was not a very serious wound. And you were bitten by a dog and where?
I have never been bitten by a dog, but I have been chased by dogs on several occasions in public but I'm always lucky the owner of the dog is present to caution the dog.
What could be worse than a dog bite is a rabid dog because it is very dangerous, we once had one in the city and he bit a person and she was barely saved and the dog was immediately euthanized
Since childhood, I have been hearing so many stories about rabies bites. One of the weirdest I have heard so far was that anyone bitten would start barking like a dog. That was one story they told us as kids back then to scare us.
I was bitten once by a wiener dog walking to school. It bit me in the ankle, didn't pierce skin.
I experienced 7 dog bites in 2012. I was so scared and the bites were so painful, I had 8 injections for anti-tetanus and and anti-rabies. It was the dog of our neighbor. But it was killed by my police ex, lol.
No. I've never been bitten by a dog. I was always too fast for them. LOL. One of my aunts had a poodle she would bring with her whenever she visited our home. As soon as I saw that dog, I took off running. The dog would always chase me but never caught me. LOL.