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Have you ever been bitten by a dog?

Yes I have been bitten by a dog, it was a small dog that bit my ankle and drew a little blood, but it wasn't serious. It was 4 puncture wounds.
I have never been beaten by a dog. such experience is what I don't want to experience in my lifetime because I have witnessed people develop phobia for dogs because of the encounter they have with a particular dog in the past.
Thankfully it has never happened to me and I hope to stay away from dogs lol
No I have never bitten by a dog. I never go neark a barking dog, I never try to feel a dog threatened. A dig will bte you only when he feels threatened.
Personally I have not been bitten by a dog, but I know someone who was. And I have to say that the experience was horrible. Since then I usually take caution around dogs, especially those ones that seem dangerous.
Thankfully, I've never had the misfortune of being bitten by a dog. As an avid animal lover, I've always been very cautious and respectful around canines, especially unfamiliar ones. I make sure to avoid sudden movements, refrain from direct eye contact, and let dogs sniff me before attempting to pet them.
No. I've never been bitten by a dog. I was always too fast for them. LOL. One of my aunts had a poodle she would bring with her whenever she visited our home. As soon as I saw that dog, I took off running. The dog would always chase me but never caught me. LOL.
Haha, am pretty sure it was because you ran first that was why it kept chasing you.
Yes, I was, in my childhood. Once, me and my brother were going to market. My brother put his feet on the tail of a stray dog. The dog turned and bit me on my leg instead of my elder brother.
Lol I heard dogs hate it when others step on their tails and they hate others who are not their owners petting them on the noise. Don't know how true this is though.
It was a stray dog, so I had to take the vaccination in the stomach. It was painful, as I had to take seven injections. Since then, I have been afraid of the dogs. I keep my distance from the stray dogs.
Lol I heard dogs hate it when others step on their tails and they hate others who are not their owners petting them on the noise. Don't know how true this is though.
It is very very true, I almost had that experience. I went to pet a neighbor's dog thinking that it has recognize my face, only for it to turn and barked at me. If I wasn't swift to pull my hand away it would have bitten me.

Lol I heard dogs hate it when others step on their tails and they hate others who are not their owners petting them on the noise. Don't know how true this is though.
It is very very true, I almost had that experience. I went to pet a neighbor's dog thinking that it has recognize my face, only for it to turn and barked at me. If I wasn't swift to pull my hand away it would have bitten me.
It is very very true, I almost had that experience. I went to pet a neighbor's dog thinking that it has recognize my face, only for it to turn and barked at me. If I wasn't swift to pull my hand away it would have bitten me.

It is very very true, I almost had that experience. I went to pet a neighbor's dog thinking that it has recognize my face, only for it to turn and barked at me. If I wasn't swift to pull my hand away it would have bitten me.
Oh wow, thank God I have not tried it, I might have not been as fast as you to save my hand.
Thankfully this has never happened with me although there were some close encounters but I was able to keep myself safe
We have lots of stray dogs in our colony who bark at passersby. I am scared of them; that's why I don't go out to that street, which is on our front gate; instead, I prefer to go out from the back gate.
I have experienced this too but thankfully I was able to sneak pass safely and its quite risky because of these stray dogs
They don't leave you if they sense that you're getting afraid of them. What you should do is face them boldly, and then they will run away. But in my case, I was bitten once in my childhood, so I don't want to take a risk.😅
I stay away and mostly try to push them away with my actions that I am going to throw a stone on them LOL
They don't leave you if they sense that you're getting afraid of them. What you should do is face them boldly, and then they will run away. But in my case, I was bitten once in my childhood, so I don't want to take a risk.😅
Lol I strongly believe in prevention is better than cure in this situation. I would rather find ways to avoid them completely.
Its better to stay safe from them, I remember I was attacked my dogs during morning walk last summers so these days I prefer to take another route lol
We have lots of stray dogs in our colony who bark at passersby. I am scared of them; that's why I don't go out to that street, which is on our front gate; instead, I prefer to go out from the back gate.
Maybe you should do a bit of research about those stray dogs. If there is no history of the dogs biting anybody in the neighborhood, then maybe there's no reason for you to be afraid of them.