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Going back to roots

The V

Active Contributor

Sep 28, 2023
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Let's imagine all technology is gone, all factories, nothing, we go to cave age. Now, what role would you take there? A hunter? A farmer? A builder? Or something else?
I think I would take on gathering possibly hunting too
You do understand the cave age has no guns, only man made spears (primitive) and stuff like that? :D
Men are physically much stronger, faster than women are. If you want to put yourself of best use, you can do something less physically challenging. Maybe house making? Gardening vegetables, making food out of gathered meat etc. In modern times this is not necessary but in primitive times we have to go back to more traditional roles, of course, equally respecting each other because one without another can't survive.
I was thinking back to times before farming real primitive.
I’m told I’m a good cook so that’s something I could do
I actually irl would like to know how to make arrows and darts
You do understand the cave age has no guns, only man made spears (primitive) and stuff like that? :D
Men are physically much stronger, faster than women are. If you want to put yourself of best use, you can do something less physically challenging. Maybe house making? Gardening vegetables, making food out of gathered meat etc. In modern times this is not necessary but in primitive times we have to go back to more traditional roles, of course, equally respecting each other because one without another can't survive.
Not all women performed traditional roles and many women also fulfilled physically challenging roles on top of their traditional role. To say that women have no choice but to go back to their ‘traditional’ role is a little sexist.
Not all women performed traditional roles and many women also fulfilled physically challenging roles on top of their traditional role. To say that women have no choice but to go back to their ‘traditional’ role is a little sexist.
There are always exceptions. And the question is about what physically challenging roles are you talking about? It is in nature of women to be carrying mothers (mostly). If not, humans would be gone by now.
There are always exceptions. And the question is about what physically challenging roles are you talking about? It is in nature of women to be carrying mothers (mostly). If not, humans would be gone by now.
I never said that it is not in a woman’s nature to carry and raise her children. I was simply challenging your suggestion that the only value a woman brought in the ‘cave age’ was at home, which I disagree with.
I never said that it is not in a woman’s nature to carry and raise her children. I was simply challenging your suggestion that the only value a woman brought in the ‘cave age’ was at home, which I disagree with.
I never said at home. I said farming, taking care of cattle, I also agreed with Lucy on making hunting equipment. Just because I put men into hunting role I don't devalue women. They are equally important in each aspect of our society. It's just that, let's face it, once pregnant, men must be sure to bring food. It is all natural. We should not enforce something just to make equal society even the results may reduce contribution to community. Let's go further and imagine we are slowly progressing and there are many many groups of people and some of them are lazy to work but they want to steal food. Don't you think it is man's job to do a physical part there or?

I don't follow this modern political correctness. Yes, there are women who are capable of doing man's role very good if not better. But it is a minority of cases. We know from history that daughter of Genghis khan refused to get married and would challenge any man in empire to wrestle with her. If they would to win, she will marry him, if they were to fail, they must give 100 of horses. She was never defeated. So, yeah, women are able to fight equally as men, and it was proven over and over in many wars but when we go all the way back, to no technology at all, it was man's role and it is okay.

Women are the most valuable humans on this planet and should be always protected.
I never said at home. I said farming, taking care of cattle, I also agreed with Lucy on making hunting equipment. Just because I put men into hunting role I don't devalue women. They are equally important in each aspect of our society. It's just that, let's face it, once pregnant, men must be sure to bring food. It is all natural. We should not enforce something just to make equal society even the results may reduce contribution to community. Let's go further and imagine we are slowly progressing and there are many many groups of people and some of them are lazy to work but they want to steal food. Don't you think it is man's job to do a physical part there or?

I don't follow this modern political correctness. Yes, there are women who are capable of doing man's role very good if not better. But it is a minority of cases. We know from history that daughter of Genghis khan refused to get married and would challenge any man in empire to wrestle with her. If they would to win, she will marry him, if they were to fail, they must give 100 of horses. She was never defeated. So, yeah, women are able to fight equally as men, and it was proven over and over in many wars but when we go all the way back, to no technology at all, it was man's role and it is okay.

Women are the most valuable humans on this planet and should be always protected.
You’ve just given me an example of a woman being able to fight very capably. So why could Lucy not have been a hunter?
You’ve just given me an example of a woman being able to fight very capably. So why could Lucy not have been a hunter?
Because one thing is to fight with a modernized weapon. And also, it was rare to have a woman that skilled as G.K. daughter. Primitive tools such as spear and arrows are not same as riffles. Fishing is a better solution.
Because one thing is to fight with a modernized weapon. And also, it was rare to have a woman that skilled as G.K. daughter. Primitive tools such as spear and arrows are not same as riffles. Fishing is a better solution.
This is a theoretical discussion. Telling someone that you couldn’t do that because you’re a woman is not very fair. You wouldn’t say that to a man even though a lot of men nowadays couldn’t do those physically challenging jobs either.