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News Ex-cricketer Saeed Anwar links Pakistan divorce rates to working women; video goes viral



Apr 30, 2024
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On social media, an undated video featuring former Pakistani cricket player Saeed Anwar expressing controversial comments on women's empowerment and financial independence went viral. The opening batsman for Pakistan, who is currently a commentator, sparked debate on social media when a video surfaced of him discussing his thoughts on women joining the job.
It's shocking that a person who has traveled all over the world talks like a nonsensical person, as if living in the 20th century.
He forgot that inflation is too high these days and that it is difficult when one person in the family earns and others sit and eat. Maybe she needs to learn a lot.
The truth is that in this economy that is fluctuating globally, one source of income is never enough for an household to survive on. There is nothing wrong in women working too, as a means of support.
The truth is that in this economy that is fluctuating globally, one source of income is never enough for an household to survive on. There is nothing wrong in women working too, as a means of support.

But the thing is, he believes that it is the cause of divorce. I don't agree with it. Divorce occurs between the couple because of a difference of thought. It can never be because of the working woman. It's sad that such celebrities talk nonsense.
It's funny to think people still feel this way. Like you said with how things are in the economy, it would be better if both the man and women can earn to build the family together.
But the thing is, he believes that it is the cause of divorce. I don't agree with it. Divorce occurs between the couple because of a difference of thought. It can never be because of the working woman. It's sad that such celebrities talk nonsense.
It is definitely not the cause of the divorce. Divorce can occur because of totally different reason, not because of the fact that women in the family is working too. Their are probably worse reasons why the divorce took place.
People need to think about it that if a woman doesn't work, how they are going to meet their financial needs. They forget how difficult it is for a woman to look after home and working outside. I always appreciate such women who manage both the things together.
Pakistani Cricketers are not smart and even celebs too so we should not take their views seriously , they are just normal person with Zero IQ
Pakistani Cricketers are not smart and even celebs too so we should not take their views seriously , they are just normal person with Zero IQ
Oh my gosh, that was harsh 😂
@Teegold Yes, what @Ginger said is true. Most of the Pakistani cricketers talk nonsense; they speak whatever comes to their mind. They never think what would be the reaction of the same. Saeed Anwar was a very good player, and one cannot expect this from him.
Being a good cricketer does not mean they are smart and being a good actor, movie star does not give you license that you are a good public speaker
When you're a good sportsman, people expect you to behave in a respectful manner. As a celebrity, people copy you. I don't blame him, but maybe because of his conservativeness, he thinks so. I don't find anything wrong if the women do jobs to earn.
Pakistan is still stuck in 1947 era, we cannot blame them, its about education and culture and they does not even think beyond it, even though they have a women's team but I doubt if they are respected in their own country
That's true. Gender inequality is so prevalent there. The girls are not favoured to study higher. That's the problem there, and the problem is even the mullahs sitting on the higher posts also think like this.
Most of the current cricketers will be Mullahs after they retire, Inzamam ul Haq, Mohammed Yusuf, Saeed Anwar, Saqlain Mushtaq and many more are prime examples
@Teegold Yes, what @Ginger said is true. Most of the Pakistani cricketers talk nonsense; they speak whatever comes to their mind. They never think what would be the reaction of the same. Saeed Anwar was a very good player, and one cannot expect this from him.
I guess being good at the sport one plays does not necessarily make them good in other aspects of life, like romance for example.
Agree and mostly they are considered as good leaders/ politicians but actually they are not and only a few are good leaders
I guess being good at the sport one plays does not necessarily make them good in other aspects of life, like romance for example.

Their PM was a great cricketer, Imran Khan; he also had the same thinking. It looks like even educated people think conservatively. For them, everything is related to religion, and females are not equally treated. They don't allow other religions to prosper there.
Their PM was a great cricketer, Imran Khan; he also had the same thinking. It looks like even educated people think conservatively. For them, everything is related to religion, and females are not equally treated. They don't allow other religions to prosper there.
I have heard that they are so uptight when it comes to religion. They frown at foreign religious practices and can take matters into their own hands if care is not taken.
As a woman myself, I agree it's one of the many factors that are leading to increase rate of divorce. Working women are expected to deal with the role of providing financially and still act the traditional role of women at home.

This is difficult for many and they would rather quit.
These days almost every woman is working so we cannot say that everyone needs a divorce rather we should say that these days most people are not ready to adjust in a relationship to save the relationship and mostly go for divorce even on small matters