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Do you wish to settle in rural place?



Apr 30, 2024
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If you ask me, I wish to relocate to the village as I am tired of living a fast life with pollution, density, and traffic jams. I want to feel nature and breathe in fresh air. What about you? Have you ever thought of leaving the luxurious life of a city?
I won't mind settling in a rural area or have a farm house as this way we can experience the desi culture at least during the weekends or whenever we want
@Ginger But the thing is, we won't be able to continue my job, which is in the city, and I know I won't be able to earn that much if I settle now in a village. Additionally, the education of the kids is not good in rural areas.
That's why I feel the option to have a farm house is the best, although it will be expensive to maintain two houses like that but best as you can enjoy your weekend there
I don't have a budget for the farm house at present as there is higher education ahead for my kids, and for that I have spent lots of money. I will see if I can manage to buy it later on.
Yes it would be good and can be considered as an investment too but yes it does involves a lot of money
We have paternal land in my village. So I am planning to make a farm house there. It will be jointly done, and it may be used to visit on the weekends. I am eager to leave this present city and relocate there, but the situation is not allowing me to do so at the moment.
Its tough because of job and kids education so I hope you can plan and manage in coming years
At the moment I don't plan to settle in a rural place at the moment cause when it comes to my business I would have more opportunities in an urban place. Then again in the future maybe I might choose to settle down there.
That's one of the reasons why people don't want to leave cities, as they have more earning opportunities and resources there. In rural areas, you don't find any industries or offices, so there are fewer opportunities for a person to live a good life.
Exactly, but the truth of the matter is that the cities are becoming too crowded these days. I strongly believe with time most rural places would become more developed though.
It feels great to have a comfortable life in the village and for that having a farmhouse is perfect but for the enjoyment and fun we need a lot of money
I think that it is all about opportunities, there are not many opportunities in a rural place compared to the urban areas, so for now I don't think there's the option of settling in a rural place for me. Maybe when I get a bit older and more accomplished I might consider it.
That's true @Teegold . At this age, we need more opportunities to earn so we may not be able to relocate in the rural areas as they lack in such things. I am also planning to relocate once I will have no job and no source of income and will have only the savings to survive.
That's true @Teegold . At this age, we need more opportunities to earn so we may not be able to relocate in the rural areas as they lack in such things. I am also planning to relocate once I will have no job and no source of income and will have only the savings to survive.
That will be when you are retired and your children are no longer with you right? That would be a good decision, to experience calm and serene life of the rural area after spending most of your life in the city.
I live in a small scenic tourist town of 3,800 people and I do like the slow lifestyle. But I must admit that it can get boring at times.
I used to live in a larger city and I do not think I would want to move back. I enjoy the quite life now, birds waking me up and not the sounds of buses, construction, and people.
I used to live in a larger city and I do not think I would want to move back. I enjoy the quite life now, birds waking me up and not the sounds of buses, construction, and people.

That's what I am missing in my life as of now. I am tired of getting stuck in traffic jams and listening to the horns of vehicles. It was better than now when I was a child, and we had less development here. Now I see lots of buildings have taken the place of green grounds everywhere. I remember we were able to watch the river nearby from the terrace, but not now.
Yes please! I have gotten tired of city life and all its noise and pollution. I wish I can just resign to a rural area and live a quiet life. But I can't do that.
I still have a lot I feel I can do in the city, so am not ready to move out just yet.

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