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Do you use public transport?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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I used to have a car, so I used it most of the time to get around, but when there were too many cars in the city, it became impossible, because the traffic jams constantly stopped and it took a long time to get to work. Now I only use public transport, but soon I plan to use only bicycles
Growing up my mother did not drive, so whenever I was with her all we used to get around was public transportation, buses, trains, subways. The best thing I could have done as an adult is buy a car. There is so much time wasted by walking to the bus stop or to the train station to then wait for your transportation that will then stop 20X before you make it to your destination. I have not used public transportation in over 20 years and hope to never have to use it again.
Public transportation is better for saving cost, and that is what the majority of people here have been using. It is one of those mediums of transportation that may not give you convenience, but cheap for transportation.
Growing up my mother did not drive, so whenever I was with her all we used to get around was public transportation, buses, trains, subways. The best thing I could have done as an adult is buy a car. There is so much time wasted by walking to the bus stop or to the train station to then wait for your transportation that will then stop 20X before you make it to your destination. I have not used public transportation in over 20 years and hope to never have to use it again.
I also once thought that it would save a lot of time on a rolling car, but all this time is canceled when you stand in traffic jams and buses or trams have rolling lines on which they can get to their destination much faster and calmly without stopping. Also, in recent years, the price of fuel has increased very much, so for me, public transport is more profitable in all cases
In the past, I used to own a motorbike and I used it to commute, however, these days I do not own any kind of vehicles, therefore, I use public transport. When I am in hurry, I use ride sharing services, and when I have plenty of time, I use public transport, mostly bus to travel inside and outside the city.
At the moment I do not own a car, so I have no choice but to rely on public transportation. Though there are times where I prefer walking. If the place is walkable and I am not in a hurry, I would rather just walk down, as it is a good way to improve my health as well.
At the moment I do not own a car, so I have no choice but to rely on public transportation. Though there are times where I prefer walking. If the place is walkable and I am not in a hurry, I would rather just walk down, as it is a good way to improve my health as well.
I also tried to walk to work in the morning because it wasn't far, but due to the fact that I also have to move a lot at work, it was difficult because those steps in the morning were extra
My girlfriend and I both have vehicles plus we both have bicycles so there is no need for us to use anything else.
I also tried to walk to work in the morning because it wasn't far, but due to the fact that I also have to move a lot at work, it was difficult because those steps in the morning were extra
Yes I completely understand this, back then it was easier for me to walk down to work cause I was going extremely early, so I had extra time to rest, then during working hours, I am usually in the front of a computer.
No because I cannot use public transport due to mental health issues. Being amongst others totally freaks me out.
The gas price in my country is way above the roof, so a lot of people who own cars are parking them and taking public transportation, my family included. Can you really blame us? We did the calculation and realized that it would be better to limit the use of the car, at least until things get stable
I don't have a car and I have resorted to using public transportation for my commuting. It is challenging to use public transportation especially on rainy days where you have to trek under the rain to the bus stop so that you can board a vehicle.
I have a car, so I don't use public transport. And I have never been bothered by traffic jams because I need to know other ways to bypass it better.
Living in a major metropolitan area, I rely heavily on public transport for my daily commute and getting around the city. While it can be crowded and delayed at times, I appreciate the cost savings and environmental benefits of not driving my own vehicle.
I don't use public transport that often because my boyfriend and I go to work together, so we order a taxi because it's cheap and convenient. But sometimes the prices are so high that we use public transport
When I didn't have a car, I used to travel by public transport, but not now. Public transport here during office hours is crowded too much, and it's difficult for anyone to travel during that period of time.
Yes i take public transport. There's currently gas scarcity in my country, so those that have vehicles ended up parking them in their compound and using public transportation.
I used to take the bus everywhere until my brother-in-law let us start using his van. But it is on its last leg and I will be going back to public transportation very soon. Which is np because I used it for years before we got the van.
Yes i take public transport. There's currently gas scarcity in my country, so those that have vehicles ended up parking them in their compound and using public transportation.
That's true. My dad had to keep his car aside and use public transport. It gets worse for those that have cars with excessively high fuel consumption. Public transportation becomes a cheaper alternative in such circumstances.
I have only used public transport 4-5 times at max in my life and these days I travel very less and in a way its good as I do feel tired and sick when I need to travel on a public transport for a long journey