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Do you think AI will replace humans?


Off The Mark

Mar 18, 2024
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The debate of whether AI will replace humans in jobs is an intricate one. While AI has been making significant strides in many different industries, there are still many tasks that require the uniquely human qualities of intelligence, creativity, and emotions. However, there are also many tasks that can be automated with the help of AI to improve productivity and effectiveness in the workplace. In my opinion, AI will not replace humans completely, but instead, it can assist and enhance the abilities of humans, making them more efficient and effective at their jobs. What do you think?
It is insecurity that is making humans feel that AI would replace them. I have had a close interaction with different AI models and I dare to say that AI is meant to assist humans. We should quit that victim mindset and see how we can position ourselves to take full benefits that AI would afford us.
AI does not make humans, humans make AI, how can someone replace its own creator. It might look like AI is taking over the world and replacing human in multiple job sectors but ultimately humans will control AI. Evolution of AI has not only improved work flow but also created a lot jobs. In the future people will start earning more because of AI. To stay in the game, you will have to build your skills related to AI prompt engineering
I don't think AI will fully replace humans, but it will likely augment and assist humans in many roles and tasks. There will still be a need for human intellect, creativity, and emotional intelligence that AI cannot easily replicate.
To some extent yes, the use of artificial intelligence we definitely replace humans, but I doubt it would completely be able to do so. It would only be limited to certain areas alone. Like when it comes to designing and the likes.
To some extent yes, the use of artificial intelligence we definitely replace humans, but I doubt it would completely be able to do so. It would only be limited to certain areas alone. Like when it comes to designing and the likes.
It could help in something but does not replace fully humans.
I do not believe AI will replace humans as I feel we will always be one step ahead of AI in how fast it can develop to allow it to replace humans.

I do believe that it will affect jobs in the future though as it is now with things such as self-service checkouts.
at lease it can replace most people in web novel writing
No I don't think so. However promising artificial intelligence might be, I don't think it has the capacity to completely replace humans in the job sector. This is because emotional quotient (EQ) is also needed in order to carry out some certain task and this is something artificial intelligence lacks.
I don't think so, as I always say, AIs are just large databases of human thoughts and knowledge that have been collected from the internet, so they don't have that creative factor, they can only collect human knowledge and use it, in short, we are superior.
A lot of jobs will be replaced by AI but with the popularity of AI, a lot of new jobs will also be created. AI will assist you in many ways. Humans are more important than doing menial jobs. Human intelligence should be used for better things and not on things that hardware and software can do
A lot of jobs will be replaced by AI but with the popularity of AI, a lot of new jobs will also be created. AI will assist you in many ways. Humans are more important than doing menial jobs. Human intelligence should be used for better things and not on things that hardware and software can do
You've got nice points there but you still have to agree with me that AI is still stealing our jobs out there. For example, with the invention of drones, do you know that both the pilot of an helicopter and the camera man in the helicopter filming a video have both lost their jobs? Because a drone can basically do both things without the need for human labor.
One thing that is true is that Ai can't replace some jobs such as teaching. Ai don't have emotions and it means that there are some jobs that they won't replace at the moment.
I think that if it happens, it will definitely not be soon because people are quite developed creatures and we ourselves created this intelligence and I think if necessary we can destroy it. This is already a dangerous thing, but you should use it only for your own benefit
I don't think it will, although there are few examples that it will replace in few years but I don't think it will a big impact
I don't think it will, although there are few examples that it will replace in few years but I don't think it will a big impact
I think that it will, but not completely. I don't think a time will come when AI will permanently replace humans, especially in the job sector.
I don't think it's possible as well, the highest the use of artificial intelligence might be more than humans but not completely take over.
I don't think it will, although there are few examples that it will replace in few years but I don't think it will a big impact
What I see is different since upgrades on AI programs like Grammarly or similar doesn't cost a lot for having Grammarly premium or even other services provide AI code generator or AI image generator means it will kill a lot of jobs. By the way, don't use Grammarly Premium rewrite tool because it is considered as AI GPT use I got warning for using that tool once on Trendri.

They provide free version but do not use this on forums too:

What I see is different since upgrades on AI programs like Grammarly or similar doesn't cost a lot for having Grammarly premium or even other services provide AI code generator or AI image generator means it will kill a lot of jobs. By the way, don't use Grammarly Premium rewrite tool because it is considered as AI GPT use I got warning for using that tool once on Trendri.

They provide free version but do not use this on forums too:

View attachment 281
Trendri does not accept the use of grammarly?
Trendri does not accept the use of grammarly?
Grammarly Premium Rewrite Tools to be more precise not Grammarly to correct grammatical mistakes. If you did not upgrade to Grammarly Premium you don't understand me.
In Grammarly Premium there is feature or suggest called Rewrite this, this will be considered as fraud.