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Do you take showers in the AM or PM?

sunshine & whiskey

"Always bring your own sunshine."

Oct 16, 2023
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Kind of a weird thought that I was having, but very intrigued to see the result of this. I take showers in the AM before work and sometimes(not going to lie), I take them in the PM. I work from home, and don't do much else but do you take showers in the am, pm, or even both?
If I am at home, I take a shower around 1 PM. If I go to work then I take a shower sometime around 7 PM. So, whether I go to the office or work from home or it's a holiday, I always take a shower in the PM. I don't like to bath early in the morning. I feel it's best to shower in the evening as we wash away all the dirt we accumulate during the day.
If it comes to taking my bath, it is something I always do in the morning and the night before going to bed. Even if I am at home without going out, I will make sure to take my bath at least before 10 a.m. in the morning. This is because taking my bath helps to refresh my body to be active in doing whatever I have to do for the day.
Kind of a weird thought that I was having, but very intrigued to see the result of this. I take showers in the AM before work and sometimes(not going to lie), I take them in the PM. I work from home, and don't do much else but do you take showers in the am, pm, or even both?

I take my shower at least twice in a day. I'll never go out without having my shower and also before going to bed. Who doesn't bath before leaving their house?
I take my shower at least twice in a day. I'll never go out without having my shower and also before going to bed. Who doesn't bath before leaving their house?
It's only a pig in the form of human being that will not take his or her bath or shower in the morning before going out. It's even worst for a lady not to bath or shower in the morning before leaving her home. Ladies tend to smell more because of their female body part. It needs to be washed daily but a pig wouldn't care about it.
I take my bath every morning before I leave for work. I don't shower but bath. I feel shower doesn't get all the dirt out, it's why I bath instead of taking shower.
I usually take showers in the evening.
I never have time in the mornings as I always wake up late, so it is a lot easier for me to shower in the evening.
I usually take showers in the evening.
I never have time in the mornings as I always wake up late, so it is a lot easier for me to shower in the evening.
Wait, let me try to understand what you are trying to say. You don't have the time to take your shower in the night because you wake up late. Does it mean you don't bath or shower at all in the morning but only in the evening? I don't think that's healthy for a lady.
I take my shower 3 times in a day. It doesn't matter how cold the weather becomes, I'll make sure to shower 3 times. I love feeling fresh always.
I take my shower 3 times in a day. It doesn't matter how cold the weather becomes, I'll make sure to shower 3 times. I love feeling fresh always.
If you're taking your personal hygiene serious, this how you are supposed to be taking your bath. If the weather is cold, this is why bathroom have water heater. Make use of it and heat your bathing or showering water. Clean yourself up regular.
I understand that it is better to take it twice a day, but I only succeed in the evening because after work I am much dirtier than in the morning after sleep. And I don't always have time for it in the morning
If you are not having enough time in the morning to take your bath or have a shower before going out, this is what you can be able to change by waking up earlier in the morning. When you wake up let's say around 5am in the morning, you will have enough time to do everything and also bath or shower.
During hot summer months, I take shower in the morning as well as in the evening. However, during winter I take shower in the AM and avoid getting a shower in the PM. The AM shower helps me freshen up and PM shower helps me to sleep soundly, however, there are a lot of factors that determine my shower time.
If the weather is hot, if I'm at home, I might end up taking my bath or shower more than 3 times in a day. I can't stand feeling hot, it's why summer can never be enjoyable for me. But if it's winter which is cold, I will shower only twice.
I take my bath every morning before I leave for work. I don't shower but bath. I feel shower doesn't get all the dirt out, it's why I bath instead of taking shower.
It probably takes a lot of time because you have to wait until a lot of water is collected and then lie in the bath for a long time. In my opinion, it's cool to do it after work and not before it, because you can lie as long as you want, but before work you need to hurry
The weather have been crazily hot today and I'm trying as much as possible to endure how hot I am feeling in order for me to get home. Once I am home today, I am going to take a very long cold bath so that my body is going to recover from the hotness I have been through today.
I usually take my bath in the morning, though I do not have a specific time, there are days where I take my bath as early as 2am or 4am, depending on the work I have on ground. Then I also take my bath in the evening around 7pm or even 10pm, still do not have a specific time.
I shower more often in the morning because I have a lot of energy and can do it, but in the evening I'm too tired and sometimes I can fall asleep without showering
Always in the morning, it helps to wake me up.
It helps a lot even if it is not a cold shower but with a temperature slightly above 40 degrees. I don't like very cold very much, but a hot morning would not be pleasant either